One thing is MOST important ... give it a couple of weeks before you squawk about anything.
Getting rid of the "BB mindset" and gaining familiarity with, and learning to get around on Android, will take a bit of time, and that's an operator problem, not a phone/platform problem.
This is the most sound advice I have heard in this thread and one that I can completely and whole-heartedly agree with.
I went from a Storm 1 and a Moto Q9m before that.. Android is fabulous, you just have to give it time to understand it. I honestly haven't found anything that my BB could do that my DX won't. I use it for every facet of my life, Work and play email, gps, and even as my sole Mp3 player.
I was carrying around my BB Storm and Ipod touch before. Now I just have my DX. I let my daughter have my touch.
Then I sent my Storm in to Best Buy trade in and got 100 bucks for it. Best thing I got from my BB!!
Be patient and remember you have 30 days to take it back if you trully aren't happy with it.
I would'nt take mine back for anything, until the DX4g comes out anyways....:icon_ banana: