No one will disagree a BB will do E-mail and messaging better than ANY other device.... but it falls behind in EVERY other category.
What about tasks, memos, contacts?
i.e. PIM/Email seems to be RIM's focus so they excel.
Battery pulls, running out of free mem, etc.... it's antiquated.
Inc still needs reboots, even though I power it off every night to have to fully charge its battery (HTC really needs to fix that bug). Often, the INC stops responding to links (i.e. click on a link of a Facebook email, it launches the web browser, but doesn't get to the page. Or click a link while browsing, it doesn't take you to the link.). I've had occasions where the camera stopped taking pictures until a power off/on.
I guess I've been lucky w/BB, because mine do not run out of memory, lock up, require battery pulls.
BB is antiquated because its pretty much the "same old thing." Yet it excels at what RIM's primary focus has been. (you said it about email).
Consumer's focus HAS and IS changing. Email/PIM is no longer the main focus for smart phones, and that is what RIM needs to deal with. And they need to do it at a faster rate than they are. They are certainly falling behind over the last couple of years.
Google/Android has only a little work to do to match the areas in which RIM excels.
The point of my post which seems to be lost is... Every one says that "Droids spank BB's" but they seem to leave out... that it depends on what your needs are.. If your needs revolve around Email/PIM, then RIM might be antiquated but it does the job better, if not as good as, Android and iPhone.
Need a browser, a device you can hack, and find a lot of free (ad supported) applications, with a fast CPU, High res screen, with a high MP camera (and remember, higher MP's doesn't always translate into better), then Android is one of the best options, and RIM is the worst.