You're an idiot. I don't support Koush, CM, or BD, and I still think you're an idiot.
Why, thank you sir! I see you don't fear the banhammer of the mods on these forums.
Because I think that's clearly a personal attack and against the forum rules.
I wish you luck with all the future warez and stolen software you will run on your phone from unknown dubious sources.
All you do is bait people in and then cry to the mods when someone calls you on it...
Honestly I was trying to be helpful. The guy lied yet you insist on defending him, what's up with that?
I'm just saying that running a ROM by a developer that the community trusts and have a proven trackrecord is a good choice. Using the ROM of someone who obviously lies, immediately tries to start to raise funds and is being kicked out of his second forum! Come on, give me a break!
How does this make ME an idiot?