eWeek's top 10 reasons Android can't touch iOS

damn i really wish my droid had multitasking......:huh:

but seriously i have friends who are apple fanboi's and they tell me they wish their multitasking was like androids, that ios4's multitasking still sucks
I went to the link just so I could put a poor rating on this article. I found out there are over 700 people already that feel the same way lol
The only good thing about this article is the picture in the OP in this thread
On #4:

MIUI already has folders. yes, it's not available to everyone because they're not completely wanting to root and upload new software, but isn't it a little funny that the chinese commiunity has already intergrated that on an Android platform? I love having folders, one of the many reasons why I have MIUI, however, i'm thinking that the devs of MIUI might have some influence on what Android and Google plan to do with their software update. We can multi-task already, we can create folders (with the right type of software), and we can multi-touch, yadda yadda yadda.

This just means one thing....APPLE DOES IT BETTER WHEN IT COMES TO CONSUMERS. Plain. and. Simple.

Google wants ads and advertising, Apple wants to make the customer happy. Anyone see the big focal point here?
I read the 1st three points of this list and I stopped. Why is this on DroidForums? I can whip up a quick list of garbage too ya know :p.
I enjoyed the comments here on the forum. That's about it. That article left me speechless after the multitasking misinformation. Seriously?!!?
Wow I can't believe the level of inaccuracy in that article. Someone must have been physically abused by an android as a child.

Sent from my DROID2 using DroidForums App
Not to mention, in addition to the egregious error on multi-tasking, the first two points have nothing to do with IOS being better than Android it's the writer's glowing supposition about why Apple is a better company than Google.

I can do that to. Sergei Brin is not as arrogant as Steve Jobs, that is why Android is better.
Why's everyone up in arms about #3? Nowhere in that point did the author claim that Android didn't multi-task.
On #4:

MIUI already has folders. yes, it's not available to everyone because they're not completely wanting to root and upload new software, but isn't it a little funny that the chinese commiunity has already intergrated that on an Android platform? I love having folders, one of the many reasons why I have MIUI, however, i'm thinking that the devs of MIUI might have some influence on what Android and Google plan to do with their software update. We can multi-task already, we can create folders (with the right type of software), and we can multi-touch, yadda yadda yadda.

This just means one thing....APPLE DOES IT BETTER WHEN IT COMES TO CONSUMERS. Plain. and. Simple.

Google wants ads and advertising, Apple wants to make the customer happy. Anyone see the big focal point here?

Ummm...am I missing something here ? Folders are built into Android (without requiring root).
Why's everyone up in arms about #3? Nowhere in that point did the author claim that Android didn't multi-task.

Really? Then what was the the author saying with point 3 then?

Multitasking - Multitasking on iOS is a key reason why Apple has enjoyed such success in the mobile market as of late. For years, consumers were hoping for true multitasking. But for years, the company made no promises. But in iOS 4, multitasking is running on the iPhone. Because of that, Google has a long way to go to match anything Apple is currently offering.

I took that to mean the author thinks Android doesnt multi task.
Why's everyone up in arms about #3? Nowhere in that point did the author claim that Android didn't multi-task.
"But in iOS 4, multitasking is running on the iPhone. Because of that, Google has a long way to go to match anything Apple is currently offering."

Because IOS4 multitasks, Android has a long way to go to match what Apple is currently offering? It's clearly implied IOS4 multitasks better, if not implying Android doesn't do it at all.

Folders and multitasking was IOS4 playing catch-up to Android. Both stock on the D1 over 9 months earlier.
On #4:

MIUI already has folders. yes, it's not available to everyone because they're not completely wanting to root and upload new software, but isn't it a little funny that the chinese commiunity has already intergrated that on an Android platform? I love having folders, one of the many reasons why I have MIUI, however, i'm thinking that the devs of MIUI might have some influence on what Android and Google plan to do with their software update. We can multi-task already, we can create folders (with the right type of software), and we can multi-touch, yadda yadda yadda.

This just means one thing....APPLE DOES IT BETTER WHEN IT COMES TO CONSUMERS. Plain. and. Simple.

Google wants ads and advertising, Apple wants to make the customer happy. Anyone see the big focal point here?

Ummm...am I missing something here ? Folders are built into Android (without requiring root).

I'm wondering the same thing. WTF is he talking about?