BD will be up and running soon so there is no need to worry that it's been closed indefinitely.
Stuff like that reminds me of crackberry. I wouldn't even tell most of my customers about that site because of the childish attitude on there. I've been hoping this site would stay positive but lately had been having my doubts. I'm glad its being handled.
Thanks for your post, especially Post 1 !!
I disagree. I am very proud of the community.
I disagree. I am very proud of the community. When members feel a wrong has been done they mobilized to voice their displeasure. In this situation, you may not agree with the tactics and many people may have just piled on for the adolescent joy of it all, but they had every right to do what they did. With that being said the mods here had every right to lock the thread or to ban whomever they felt necessary to ban. It is their site and they can so as they please. For me their is only one question remaining. Did BlackDroid use CyanogenMod has his source and if so why did he not credit it? I am sure Cyanogen will or has given DroidForums any evidence to support his position. If UltimateDroid was compiled from Cyanogen's, then i would expect some type of actions to be taken by DroidForums, if it was not compiled from Cyanogen's source then i would expect an apology for BlackDroid.
I disagree. I am very proud of the community. When members feel a wrong has been done they mobilized to voice their displeasure. In this situation, you may not agree with the tactics and many people may have just piled on for the adolescent joy of it all, but they had every right to do what they did. With that being said the mods here had every right to lock the thread or to ban whomever they felt necessary to ban. It is their site and they can so as they please. For me their is only one question remaining. Did BlackDroid use CyanogenMod has his source and if so why did he not credit it? I am sure Cyanogen will or has given DroidForums any evidence to support his position. If UltimateDroid was compiled from Cyanogen's, then i would expect some type of actions to be taken by DroidForums, if it was not compiled from Cyanogen's source then i would expect an apology for BlackDroid.
But for all the others, I have just recently became a Mod here, but have been here on DroidForums basically since the beginning, you guys have no CLUE what goes on in the background and how hard these guys work Day and Niight trying to make this the best place for EVERYONE!
When I first logged on a s Mod and had access to the inner workings I was honestly in SHOCK at the crap the Admins/Mods have to deal with constantly day and night! I thought what the heck have I been drafted for!! AND this was a week ago before the "current stuff" started happening!!!!! SCARY!!
I disagree. I am very proud of the community.
:clap: Much nicer here than most places. Poor title choice IMHO. Cheers, JB.
And FWIW, I an not "Displeased" with our Community at all, I am displeased at what some "outsiders" and maybe a few here tried to do to our GREAT Community.
I couldn't be PROUDER of the DroidForums Community as a whole, it just ticks me off what they have been subjected to lately by "some"!!
It's funny you mention being a Mod on another forum, so I am sure you have a clue what we have to "combat" to try and make DroidForums a fun place for everyone to enjoy learning and discussing our Droids!
But for all the others, I have just recently became a Mod here, but have been here on DroidForums basically since the beginning, you guys have no CLUE what goes on in the background and how hard these guys work Day and Niight trying to make this the best place for EVERYONE!
When I first logged on a s Mod and had access to the inner workings I was honestly in SHOCK at the crap the Admins/Mods have to deal with constantly day and night! I thought what the heck have I been drafted for!! AND this was a week ago before the "current stuff" started happening!!!!! SCARY!!
But, you know I feel the same as the other Admins/Mods here and truly want to do anything I can to contiune making DroidForums the absolute BEST place for ALL Droiders to come, learn, discuss and enjoys ownership of the DROID! So I jumped in and have been doing my best to do the right thing for everyone at all times!
FYI, DroidForums was my home long before I was a Mod and still is (they just gave me a key to the cellar) and I still think it is a FANTASTIC COMMUNITY that I am proud to call my "Droid Home" !!!!