I synced my facebook contacts to my droid today and it went well, except for that some of my friends don't have their mobile numbers posted on their facebooks, so they were not synced to my phone.
I want to add their number to their contact in my contacts list but when i go to edit the contact, it tells me that facebook caontacts cannot be edited.:icon_eek:
How can i add their mobile number to their phone without creating a new contact? or do i have to make a separat contact?
I have the stock contacts app and use handcent sms for texting.
I want to add their number to their contact in my contacts list but when i go to edit the contact, it tells me that facebook caontacts cannot be edited.:icon_eek:

How can i add their mobile number to their phone without creating a new contact? or do i have to make a separat contact?
I have the stock contacts app and use handcent sms for texting.
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