Facebook not updating anymore?

3Dguy.. I feel your pain, but there's really not much that can be done until the people who created the app (which I'm pretty sure ISN'T Facebook) put the fix in. Don't get too discouraged, my friend. It's not your phone or even Android that's the problem, but just this particular developer. I think you'll find that the positives for having an open source format FAR outway the negatives.
Facebook has a link for the app on their site, so I do believe it is developed by, or at least officially endorsed by, Facebook. Their comments on the market are flooded with complaints and 1* ratings, and so is the facebook page for the app. It will get fixed... just be patient.
I seem to be having intermittent issues. Last night and now it doesn't work but this morning it did. Strange.
Facebook is in the process of implementing better privacy protection, I'm pretty sure this is an unintended side effect

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Problem with Facebook

When I try to go to my FB account a message comes up and says "problem occurred while fetching data ". How do I fix it?
Good Afternoon! I as well as many others from what I have been reading are having the same problem. I have been searching, but have not found what is causing the issue and what the solution is. I have uninstalled Facebook, turned my phone off for a few hours, reinstalled, took out the battery, and none of those have worked. If anyone out there in Droid Forum land reads this, please post a solution if you have one. Thank you!
Re: Problem with Facebook

Must have something to do with their "new security settings" they announced the other day.

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Come on now, do a search before you ask, this has been covered countless times today.

It is on Facebook's end. Not ours. Just wait, and they will have an updated app.
Open your Facebook app. click on setting on the bottom of phone and select sync all, this should solve your problem.:)

I'm a new droid user, all these *****y errors are starting to turn me off. I've tried EVERYTHING everyone suggested regarding this facebook error. Why can't we get a solution? Just saying...
LOL its just facebook. that shouldnt turn you off. just go to m.facebook.com and you will be fine. people get upset over the craziest things
Just use the mobile site itself ...

Now that the FB app has been down, I'm using the mobile web version and liking it a lot. Hmmmmm it maybe be better than the app?