The problem is that the overwhelming majority of people that think they can both talk on a phone and drive just as well, are sadly wrong. If their driving isn't worse with the phone, then most likely their driving skills are so poor to begin with that adding a phone to the mix doesn't drag down the score much.
I said it before and I will say it again... Go ride and commute on a motorcycle for a few months and get back to me on how great the average driver is. The truth is that most of them are oblivious to their surroundings, and most other drivers don't notice most of the stuff that goes on because they too are insulated behind glass, steel and airbags, with wonderful distractions like food, soda, radios, DVD players, gadgets, phones, GPS, the kids in the back seat, etc...
In our effort to take cars from a simple means of transportation to this serene, safe mobile entertainment systems, we have in fact made the act of being on the road LESS safe over the years. As we add more technology like "self-parking" cars, and cars that scan the road and brake when there is an obstacle and all that, we remove the driver from the act of driving, and the consequences, even more.
And look at our driving tests. A monkey could pass them, they truly are pitiful. Our driver education and test procedures in no way certify you as qualified to drive a car.
So while most people THINK they are good drivers, very few of them are. Go ride a motorcycle and you will have none of those protections, none of those distractions. You will see that each day is a video game where you "win" if you can make it to your destination alive past all the absolute blathering morons on the road and all the asinine things they do, usually while on the damned phone, all the while patting themselves on the back for what a great driver they think they are.
It's an eye-opener, and I am willing to bet that anyone here who rides and is reading this post, will agree with me 100%.
I would only like to add a few comments....I simply do admire your comments here. Really. I am not being a smart a$$.
If I am on the road and get a call the first thing I do is consider if I can do it safely due to traffic/weather ect. If I can I will take it. On the other hand just last week heading to the in-laws in VA I had to take the D.C. beltway. Of course, the phone rings. I have a wife that can take the call or let it go to voicemail. I will not endanger my wife or kids for a phone call. I will only answer if it is safe to do so. Now, your definition may differ than mine. I am sure it does but I am the one that makes it and no one else makes it for me.
Now as far as the motorcycle comments.....I had a bike for 16 years until my son was born. All cricket bikes/crotch rockets/rice burners....whatever you want to call them. I have taken the safety course and also took it a second time with my wife when she got her motorcycle license. I was also an instructor for 4 years teaching. I am in agreement with the "you see more on a bike" statement on how people really drive. You are taught to look for that. Being on a bike you are in a vulnerable position. That is why I gave it up when my first child was born. I need to be around while they grow. I just had a brother in-law die in a crash hitting the guard rail at high speeds on his bike. It was his stupidity but if he was in a car he would likely be alive today to see his 2 kids that are ages 17 and 12 graduate.
This thread could be argued to death......there is no winner. There wont be. We have to agree to disagree sometimes and on this thread that is continuous from one post to another.
Basically, I would never put myself, my family or others in danger.