This thread is bound to keep growing quickly by its very nature. We all want to add in our thoughts because we care: about the issue, about the real-world effects (including death), about where we're headed as Americans... and we have this technology that lets us get our thoughts out there for others. I admit I haven't read the whole thing, but I plan to. I'd like to respond to the last half-dozen or so posts:
This hits the nail on the head. Officers of the law will tell you: the law is not the problem and it is not the solution. It's enforcement...
How many more people do we look around and see at intersections staring down at their belly buttons lately? Oh wait, no, that's a miniature touchscreen they're focusing on. No, you have to put down the phone AND look up to see them. Out the window. Yes, there they are! Oh, you're driving? Driving has become so easy (I have no idea how to drive manual transmission, and I don't ever fathom that being an option in my next car which apparently will be an electric hybrid)... and why do they have the devices in their laps, below eye level, are they afraid of getting caught using them but unwilling to stop?
This is an emotional topic. Duh, you say, but how many poorly-written, loose, (or practically impossible to enforce) laws do we need our government legislature billing us for? Please understand I write this as an asthmatic who didn't want the current SD state smoking ban imposed on businesses in the first place. But no, nobody wants to be the bad guy looking like they don't want to protect people from smoke, so it gets passed for emotionally guilty reasons without a critical second thought: where will these people smoke? Now instead of avoiding the bar downtown or the smoking section at a diner (my city in SD was the per capita restaurant capital of the USA less than 10yrs ago), I also have to avoid the adjacent shops because everybody who would smoke is smoking out front where I can't easily avoid it. But if I could wade my way through the fog, I am "free" to breathe easily at the bar. Yeah right!
Phones in general are wonderfully bad technology. Bullying is bad. Guns are bad. Puns are bad. I like salt and sugar, but I know too much is bad. Do I need my government telling me all this? Apparently we've elected individuals who do believe it's their duty, compassionately protecting me from evil and danger. What a mess we are in! And for that matter, where are we going and why am I in this handbasket?
So now that my hair is graying I feel I can be grumpy and say things, like: remember when we didn't have cordless phones? Convenience, or rather our fondness for it, is killing us. Perhaps it's time to decide where we place our care. I don't have to evangelize to show you how I want to live life but I may have to say something if you notice me and ask me why. Parents warn your children. Do your best to help them learn to think critically about important things. It all moves too fast and can't be undone.
I am of at least 2 minds on this matter: 1) the government should not be involved in deciding these things, and 2) people ought not only to know better, but to behave accordingly, perhaps being punished when they don't. Where's the line? It's been said before: driving isn't a right, it's a privilege. Same is true for phone conversations or other gadget usage. But rarely have I seen government successfully encourage individuals to act wisely.
Perhaps that's too cynical. Cynicism is bad, too.

Recently I find it frustrating how many computer clients, when I say, "sorry I'm driving now & may I contact you later?" continue right into describing a software problem and expect full attention regardless. So then I don't answer when I drive. But does that make me a responsible business person, no I may miss out on a job or new client that way. But I am trying to be a responsible driver. And that's the point. Whatcha doin? Nothing, just driving...
NOT IN MOTION WHEN I WROTE THIS... but ironically could've!