See this is going to far. Their shouldn't be a law for this type of thing. I live in Washington and we have a state law for this and it doesn't stop anyone from using their phone wile driving. You even see Police Officers on their cell phones wile driving not to mention their radio. It's the same thing as the seat belt law. Aren't we adults? Do we really need some one to tell us what to do and how to do it? I mean come on, their's laws on everything these days basically for more revenue from tickets, etc. What happened for one's own self being responsible and reliable for what they do and the consequences.
In regards to the police, I feel they should be allowed to use there phones while driving if it is businesses related, same for the radio. These are tools they need to do there jobs. Sure some people need there phones for work, but there job is not that of the police to protect and serve the community.
However, I do generally agree with your feeling on the law. We have to draw the line some where. Seat belts are a great example! Why should I have to pay a fine if I get caught not wearing my seat belt? If I die in an MVA because I did not have my seat belt on it is my fault and it is not going to directly effect others involved in the MVA. However, talking on the phone can be enough of a distraction where the cause and effect could jeopardize some one else's life.
This is an excellent example of why the federal government is out of control! This and countless other issues need to be dealt with at the state government level and here's why: Let's say for example this law passes. Now it's the STATE'S responsibility to implement it, enforce it and handle the problems that arise because of it. All of this is taking monies AWAY from programs that should be funded due to training of state representatives, creation and publication of said new law, the list goes on and on. All the while the state could be using the money for important things, like education, infrastructure, etc.
How can this take money away? The police will enforce the law and you are given a ticket. You have to pay the fine/ticket and then that money goes in to the city/county/state allowing law enforcement, for example, to buy new cop cars. The money can go to the fire department to buy, lease or repair the trucks they need to minimize property damage and save lives. The money can go towards public schools being bale to buy new text books or, in this day and age, new laptop or repair broken laptops.
Do these people not understand that my phone is my CD player and GPS? How come I can play with standalone versions of those but can't listen to music or figure out where I'm going using my phone? We need to fight this. It's not an all or nothing legislative move that we need here. Then again it's already illegal in PA, and it hasn't stopped me yet...
There was a talking/driving ban in got overwritten by the state law...
The state law does not over ride it completely. If it is illegal by city/county law, it is still illegal in that city/county. Look at medical marijuana for example. It is illegal on a federal level, but yet it is legal on both a city and state level in some places. In those places you can use Medical Marijuana legally according to the state government but not the federal government.
I think 75% of the people on the road can barely drive a car, let alone talk on the phone and drive. I am all for the ban of cell phones in vehicles. It will suck for everyone including myself but I think it will be best for everyone.
I suspect you are to focused on the title rather then the details of the article. In the article it says "The proposed ban applies to any vehicle, on any road, in any state, and covers both talking and texting with a cellphone. " Based on this statement it does not state that using other functions such as navigation will not be allowed. None the less I have to dispute your estimate of 75%. I think the number should be higher

. I would say that, at least where I live, that should be about 90% of drivers, and surprisingly a good majority are not using a cell phone. I could go on and on when it comes to bad drivers, but 1 example that stand out in my mind, I once was traveling on a 4 lane road near the movie theater by my house. A woman starts to pull off the side street that serves as the main entrance/exit from the theater and make a left turn to go east but pulls out in to the center most westbound lane of traffic and stops. She is stopped in the lane for oncoming traffic at a very busy stretch of road, and looks at me crazy because she is in my lane and I was flashing my brights at her(in the day time) and honking repeatedly to GTFO of the oncoming traffic lanes! She was not even on a phone.
Generally speaking in regards to the article itself, a complete ban is probably the easiest way to go. I feel that the general idea here is good, but rather then out right ban talking on the phone while driving, implement some sort of big brother feature that, for example, the cell phone detects the user is driving the vehicle, it will be limited to a 30-60 second conversation. This allows for quick simple calls illustrated as examples in this thread such as "pick up this and that from the grocery on the way home," or "don't forget that (insert kids name here) football practice ends at 4PM instead of 5PM today. I generally dislike the big brother aspect but in this case I will gladly put up with it because I keep my phone conversations short and sweet when driving anyways, and because it minimizes the maount of time the user is going to be interacting with the phone while driving. Granted some people will find a way to get around it which might force a complete ban. Radios are often blamed as a major distraction, but generally I can manipulate my almost completely by touch alone. I may glance down for a second just to ensure I have my finger on the right button, but generally I know exactly how far it is to move my hand from my center console shifter to my radio volume knobs or track buttons. Now the radio is a bit different story but that is simply because I never listen to the radio and only play CDs.