They should outlaw distracted driving if it's connected with any type of cell phone use. Rember, Driving isn't a right, it's a privledge. Any moron thinking otherwise should get their head's checked.
I'm all for the ban on cell phones. You see jerks all the time texting while driving and freak'n frozen at a traffice light after it turns green while the driver's head is up their butts texting or talking on their cell.
Then you see the idiots waving their hands and arms like their conducting an orchestra while driving. Not only does it look stupid doing this but it's dangerous. I got rear ended by someone dialing. Back in the day, when you see folks look like their yellling, it was listening to rock or something, now it's talking on the cell or arguing. Screw the hands free crap - it's still a distraction.
For all you jerks out there talking on the cell phone and texting away like you're in a dire emergency (you know who you are), give it up. Uncle Sam will eventually catch up to you & I hope you go broke paying all the fines you deserve. Crap, I hope you get jail time.