This is what people are gonna have to realize. Everyone keeps saying I want this and I want that and I want it to last more than 4 hours. Well, here is what the phone's thickness is gonna be. You can't have your cake and eat it to so to speak. The Bionic is getting great reviews with battery life and with dual core,1gig ram, lte, a very large battery,and all the other stuff they are shoving in this phone the thickness is not bad at all.
I know everyone is liking the GSII and its paper thin frame but that isn't even close to what it will look like with lte and a good battery to keep everyone somewhat happy.
Battery life is a biggy for me and a lot of you and this might mean that an extended battery is not needed.
I love the look coming from a D1 and can't wait to see what this bad boy can do.
Where are there reviews for the Bionic?