Get real
What if there were no monthly limits and no throttling, and data plans cost what people would deem reasonable? Folks would drop their home ISP and use wireless by a dongle/mifi/tethering. Wireless network traffic requires frequency bandwidth, which is a finite and scarce commodity that the wireless providers must pay $billions for. Also, wireless providers must pay for the internet links to each cell site - which is not cheap.
So the dilemma for wireless providers is to be able to offer fast and consistent mobile network bandwidth, while having the radio bandwidth and internet lines to feed it. In order to do that and still make a profit, they must place limits. With 3G and slower, there was generally enough bandwidth with the transfer rates of 3G serving as a throttle. Now with everyone going to 4G, each phone could potentially use a significant chunk of cell-site bandwidth. This is not so bad if sporadic, but when many folks start streaming data then the bandwidth can be consumed quickly.
Are the wireless providers making money? Hell yeah, they've got quite an infrastructure investment, so why not? Can their systems support fast, equitable, sporadic network traffic? Yes. Can they support many people streaming 4G? No - not enough frequency bandwidth. Eventually more bandwidth will become available and new technologies will allow more efficient use of the existing bandwidth - but these increases may never keep up with exponentially increasing demand.
So - it is quite naive to expect wireless providers to be able to provide unlimited 4G. Can't happen, and not their fault. I'm not taking the side of wireless providers, I'm taking the side of physics and reality.