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Finally! Someone from the media is talking about......

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Problem is that our contracts don't tell us exactly what is heavy usage. At least not that im aware of anyway.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk

It reads, I believe, they reserve the right to throttle you at anytime.

I support data hog throttling.
I'm not hogging the data, I'm just using the bandwidth that you are not.

Verizon only throttles when needed, to free up data for the rest of their customers. That, I am OK with.

4 days into my billing, I'm at 5.387Gb of usage. Speedtest shows 9down/3up at the closest server.

AT&T's method of throttling, regardless of need, will only drive customers to Verizon.
Do you have a job? What do you do in order to spend that much time on or attached to your phone?

Dumb question is dumb.

And really non of your business.

So say he doesn't have a job.. its ok to throttle him?

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I use my TV to watch movies and my MP3, PC, or Stereo to listen to music. So, 4GB a month should be plenty for me on a smart phone. Having said that though, for $230 a month (3 smart phones with data plans) should give me more. I thank you heavy users. ;)
Get real

What if there were no monthly limits and no throttling, and data plans cost what people would deem reasonable? Folks would drop their home ISP and use wireless by a dongle/mifi/tethering. Wireless network traffic requires frequency bandwidth, which is a finite and scarce commodity that the wireless providers must pay $billions for. Also, wireless providers must pay for the internet links to each cell site - which is not cheap.

So the dilemma for wireless providers is to be able to offer fast and consistent mobile network bandwidth, while having the radio bandwidth and internet lines to feed it. In order to do that and still make a profit, they must place limits. With 3G and slower, there was generally enough bandwidth with the transfer rates of 3G serving as a throttle. Now with everyone going to 4G, each phone could potentially use a significant chunk of cell-site bandwidth. This is not so bad if sporadic, but when many folks start streaming data then the bandwidth can be consumed quickly.

Are the wireless providers making money? Hell yeah, they've got quite an infrastructure investment, so why not? Can their systems support fast, equitable, sporadic network traffic? Yes. Can they support many people streaming 4G? No - not enough frequency bandwidth. Eventually more bandwidth will become available and new technologies will allow more efficient use of the existing bandwidth - but these increases may never keep up with exponentially increasing demand.

So - it is quite naive to expect wireless providers to be able to provide unlimited 4G. Can't happen, and not their fault. I'm not taking the side of wireless providers, I'm taking the side of physics and reality.
I dont know if I have an issue with this or not..... I use about 4 gigs a month or so and I have never been throttled

I think it maybe for those people that abuse the system with their 35-70Gigs a month.......you know you are being a glutton and if Verizon wants to slow you down....I dont have a problem with that TBH
Again, it's MOBILE data. It's not designed, priced or marketed as an alternative to a home ISP. The vast majority of people consuming huge amounts of data are NOT doing that mostly when out and about away from places where they should have wifi access.

If you truly need more than 5 gigs of MOBILE data you honestly need to put your phone down and start living life and make an attempt to be social.
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Lol making fun of peoples social lives for using 5 gigs? Most people can use 5 gigs a month WITH ONLY pandora while driving to work lol. I use 2 gigs a month in a15 minute car ride imagine (gasp) if I had a30 minute car ride to work or went out to the bar to be social! People act like its "hard" to use data, even though the media parts of smartphones uses multiple gigs a month just for being on.

Sent from my DROID X2 using DroidForums
Again, it's MOBILE data. It's not designed, priced or marketed as an alternative to a home ISP. The vast majority of people consuming huge amounts of data are NOT doing that mostly when out and about away from places where they should have wifi access.

If you truly need more than 5 gigs of MOBILE data you honestly need to put your phone down and start living life and make an attempt to be social.

When I worked for VZW customer service we were told to market mobile hotspots and mifi devices as alternatives to home internet, even though one Netflix movie would put you over your allowance.

I don't hate throttling the way VZW does it. It's fair. But I hate not having an unlimited option, and I keep my unlimited not to abuse it, I just have it to avoid getting overages. I use 2-3 gb a month. If vzw truly does disallow grandfathered in data per upgrade after family data plans come out, sprint will have my business. Their network won't be so bad on lte. Hell they might get it anyway since they get seemingly every nexus phone, while it seems unlikely that vzw will get the next one. And I refuse to use other android phones after seeing them get outdated and abandoned after a few months. I will only use hero devices like the nexus and iPhone. I don't even consider the Droid a hero device anymore after the Droid 3 got abandoned so quick and after seeing like 10 Droid devices in the last 10 months. Nexus or iPhone for me from now on.

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I'm not sure how sprint plans to pay for the lte network but hopefully it gets built. As consumers we need as much competition as possible or else the big 2 will continue to rape the customers.

Sent from my DROID X2 using DroidForums
Again, it's MOBILE data. It's not designed, priced or marketed as an alternative to a home ISP. The vast majority of people consuming huge amounts of data are NOT doing that mostly when out and about away from places where they should have wifi access.

If you truly need more than 5 gigs of MOBILE data you honestly need to put your phone down and start living life and make an attempt to be social.

I can use 5gb if I streamed Google music on my car to work and back, while still living a normal life. Stop acting as if 5gb means all you do is watch tv 24/7 on your phone.

I don't have sirius or xm and the radio here stinks. I drive 30-45 each way and once I get to the works remote lot, its a .5mi walk if I don't ride the shuttle.

If I streamed each day, I'd be over five.

Users on unlimited, to be fair, should only get throttled if they go over the highest tier. So if 10gb is the highest tier now, then give us that. That would be fair, not some random number pulled out your derrier

Sent from someplace, and with something that you need not worry about.
Lol making fun of peoples social lives for using 5 gigs? Most people can use 5 gigs a month WITH ONLY pandora while driving to work lol. I use 2 gigs a month in a15 minute car ride imagine (gasp) if I had a30 minute car ride to work or went out to the bar to be social! People act like its "hard" to use data, even though the media parts of smartphones uses multiple gigs a month just for being on.

Sent from my DROID X2 using DroidForums

Quite easy to use 3GBs in a single hour.
While I dislike throttling too. Understand the frustration.

Watching that video (or anything on fox) ticks me off. Their media folks never let anyone talk. Why bother bringing someone on television for a discussion and interrupt everything they say... don't let them speak...and pretend that its "news". The point of news media is to get multiple points of view. Fox has ONE point of view. Disrupt...interrupt...discredit... end show. More people should just immediately take the mic off and walk out. Maybe viewers at home would get the picture after enough folks do it

Sorry....I hate fox

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