Then pay for more data. You are doing that because you can, not because you have to. I don't typically stream music on my device, I play songs from playlists on my SD so my data usage for that is 0. I mean, how in the world did you ever survive before mobile data? Did you just never go to the gym because you couldn't listen to music while working out?
There's nothing unfair, evil or wrong with VZW's usage and pricing. People just feel entitled to pay whatever they want for as much as they want. You'll be waiting a LONG time for VZW to be "fair" or make you "happy".
You obviously aren't paying attention to who is making what comments. I am the original poster and i clearly stated I have unlimited data. Secondly I can very easily say to you how did you survive before they had mobile phones. That point is mute. You don't need a cell phone they still have pay phones out there. Yet you do and you use it accordingly. You don't make sense telling someone what they should or should not be doing with their phones. We bought them. Not you. So you have no idea what were the underlying factors that made individuals choose a smartphone. Im sure Verizon loves people that think like and agree with you. To each his own. BTW if you bothered to actually pay attention to my comments you would know that my main gripe is that the cell phone companies don't/won't give a specific number in regards to what is considered high usage. My main issue isnt the throttling its the chance of being throttled because I dont know what amount of data usage constitutes high usage.
Sent from my DROID BIONIC
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