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Finally! Someone from the media is talking about......

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The problem is that they do sell the hotspot feature on devices and mifi hotspot as home isp replacements. Then want to throttle it because they can be making more money.... If you remember when the cellphones first came out several providers had free lifetime testing then after testing blew up they canceled the free testing features. The I remember when my brother got a text saying hope you enjoyed Your free lifetime trial. Please continue your testing services by calling 18005551234. There is money in them there hills. I have to pay twice for the same data and get throttled after using 300mb this month... That is bogus don't sell me the hotspot then take make it slowed than dial up, and because it's supposed to be a replacement.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
Well, one thing is certain, I'll watch Verizon closely, I will not hesitate to switch to the carrier that has the best plan that suits my needs. It is no longer wise to be blindly loyal ;-)

Sent from my now freaking awesome, butt-kicking .902 Droid Bionic using TapaTalk
It reads, I believe, they reserve the right to throttle you at anytime.

I support data hog throttling.
I know they have that right. My problem is they don't tell you exactly what is high data usage. Why is it so hard for them to say 10 gigs is considered high usage? They say the top 5 percent. I for one would like to know for a certainty what amount of data I can use before being throttled. I don't want to be surprised. I dont care about whether or not they reserve the right to throttle or not. I dont agree with it but I know whether I do or not is irrelevent.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC
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Its not about having the right. Its a complaint about providers that are saying you are using a lot if data even if you are not in the top 5 percent just so your phone slows down. There have been some times I go to show someone a YouTube video on my phone and it buffers for EVER....making the phone look like crap. If course its always an iPhone owner who attributes this to Android.

When really...I'm just being g throttled to less than 56k modem speed....yet I bought the advertised lightning fast 4g phone....that gets slow as hell....

Do they have the right? Yeah....do we have a right to voice our complaints.... yeah.

And I'm not a data hog. ~5gb or less monthly...as stated...thats mostly Pandora radio morning afternoon commute and workout 5times a week. I use wifi when I'm home

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
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Verizon throttles the heaviest users out of those over 2gb at towers that are congested. Once congestion has died down its back to normal.

I prefer this to the alternative. Everyone at a particular tower or everyone over any geographical area getting throttled everyday at peak time.

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How about this? During peak times smart phone users whip out their old backup dumb phones? Not trying to be rude but why make smartphones with all these capabilities (music streaming, cloud backups, motocast netflix etc ) if we have to be wary of our data usage? I'm speaking specifically for those with unlimited data. And I know some people believe that you have to go crazy to use a lot of data. That just isn't the case. If you stream music using Google music or Pandora or Spotify... If you use netflix... These things by themselves use data like crazy. Heck just downloading an app uses data. Not everyone has WiFi at home and work. If they get all crazy with the data usage I will go back to using a dumb phone. Heck its getting to a point where we aren't going to be able to use our smart phones the way they were intended to be used anyway. Not w/o paying out the a** anyway.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC
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While I dislike throttling too. Understand the frustration.

Watching that video (or anything on fox) ticks me off. Their media folks never let anyone talk. Why bother bringing someone on television for a discussion and interrupt everything they say... don't let them speak...and pretend that its "news". The point of news media is to get multiple points of view. Fox has ONE point of view. Disrupt...interrupt...discredit... end show. More people should just immediately take the mic off and walk out. Maybe viewers at home would get the picture after enough folks do it

Sorry....I hate fox

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk

I'm not going to tit for tat on politics, but if you don't think ABC/CNN/MSNBC does the same thing, you are sadly mistaken. I could name several folks who do the same on those stations, and several have said blatant lies and have gotten called out for them.

What if there were no monthly limits and no throttling, and data plans cost what people would deem reasonable? Folks would drop their home ISP and use wireless by a dongle/mifi/tethering. Wireless network traffic requires frequency bandwidth, which is a finite and scarce commodity that the wireless providers must pay $billions for. Also, wireless providers must pay for the internet links to each cell site - which is not cheap.

So the dilemma for wireless providers is to be able to offer fast and consistent mobile network bandwidth, while having the radio bandwidth and internet lines to feed it. In order to do that and still make a profit, they must place limits. With 3G and slower, there was generally enough bandwidth with the transfer rates of 3G serving as a throttle. Now with everyone going to 4G, each phone could potentially use a significant chunk of cell-site bandwidth. This is not so bad if sporadic, but when many folks start streaming data then the bandwidth can be consumed quickly.

Are the wireless providers making money? Hell yeah, they've got quite an infrastructure investment, so why not? Can their systems support fast, equitable, sporadic network traffic? Yes. Can they support many people streaming 4G? No - not enough frequency bandwidth. Eventually more bandwidth will become available and new technologies will allow more efficient use of the existing bandwidth - but these increases may never keep up with exponentially increasing demand.

So - it is quite naive to expect wireless providers to be able to provide unlimited 4G. Can't happen, and not their fault. I'm not taking the side of wireless providers, I'm taking the side of physics and reality.

Can you provide me with something concrete showing Verizon is lacking bandwidth as of today ? As of right now. Not down the line. Not saying you are wrong. But I find it hard to believe that Verizon is offering a product/service that they can't deliver on . If they are lacking the 4g bandwidth why are they trying to move everybody over to 4g from 3g? That sounds like a business model that would be doomed to fail. And we know that Verizon has a very successful profitable business model.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC
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Again, it's MOBILE data. It's not designed, priced or marketed as an alternative to a home ISP. The vast majority of people consuming huge amounts of data are NOT doing that mostly when out and about away from places where they should have wifi access.

If you truly need more than 5 gigs of MOBILE data you honestly need to put your phone down and start living life and make an attempt to be social.

Go to the gym one day and work out for 2-2 1/2hours streaming spotify w/o wifi. Then multiply that by data usage by 20. I can guarantee you will be singing a different tune.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC
Go to the gym one day and work out for 2-2 1/2hours streaming spotify w/o wifi. Then multiply that by data usage by 20. I can guarantee you will be singing a different tune. Sent from my DROID BIONIC
+1 - what he said
I'm not going to tit for tat on politics, but if you don't think ABC/CNN/MSNBC does the same thing, you are sadly mistaken. I could name several folks who do the same on those stations, and several have said blatant lies and have gotten called out for them.


I don't watch television so I wouldn't know. I wasn't defending other stations. That is fox's mo though. Are you implying fox is fair...honest and unbiased? Lol

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
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I don't watch television so I wouldn't know. I wasn't defending other stations. That is fox's mo though. Are you implying fox is fair...honest and unbiased? Lol

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk

I actually don't watch their station, nor do I watch the others consistently. I know the main players on their stations, but I get my news from the web at all of their websites among others.

I've consistently called out friends and coworkers though with your thought process. On several occasions, when a major breaking news has happened, several (let's say MSM for typing sake) don't bother posting or giving prominance on the website.

There are other hosts on MSM stations that are obvious shills.

But if you think your stations are more fair and balanced, you are mistaken.

Sent from someplace, and with something that you need not worry about.
My problem with the whole issue is that Verizon rips off the small users by making them pay $30/month and they only use 200MB. If they wanted to be fair (which of course they do not) They could simply charge $5 per gb for everyone. Then you would pay a reasonable amount for your usage and control it. They won't do this though because everyone using under 2GB (the 97%) would only pay $10 /month. What we have already seen is they want to charge $15/GB (on the teired plans) which I think is extreme. Like the video said though. We are all hooked now. 2 Yrs ago I didn't have a smart phone, now I can't put it down.
My problem with the whole issue is that Verizon rips off the small users by making them pay $30/month and they only use 200MB. If they wanted to be fair (which of course they do not) They could simply charge $5 per gb for everyone. Then you would pay a reasonable amount for your usage and control it. They won't do this though because everyone using under 2GB (the 97%) would only pay $10 /month. What we have already seen is they want to charge $15/GB (on the teired plans) which I think is extreme. Like the video said though. We are all hooked now. 2 Yrs ago I didn't have a smart phone, now I can't put it down.

A plan to pay by GB is fine up to a point. Keep in mind that they can't "build out" radio spectrum based on customer demand and willingness to cover the cost - radio spectrum is an expensive and finite resource. They can play around with usage costs up to a point, but ultimately they must discourage or prevent heavy use. One way is accelerated cost, another is throttling. If they don't control usage, none of us will like the ensuing congestion.
My problem with the whole issue is that Verizon rips off the small users by making them pay $30/month and they only use 200MB. If they wanted to be fair (which of course they do not) They could simply charge $5 per gb for everyone. Then you would pay a reasonable amount for your usage and control it. They won't do this though because everyone using under 2GB (the 97%) would only pay $10 /month. What we have already seen is they want to charge $15/GB (on the teired plans) which I think is extreme. Like the video said though. We are all hooked now. 2 Yrs ago I didn't have a smart phone, now I can't put it down.
that's like insurance. They use the folks who underutilize to fund everyone else and their pockets.

How many of us pay car/home insruance and haven't used it in years?
last month on a very heavy use, I broke 11 gigs of data when I first got my bionic.. best thing to ever happen to me. My speeds are still phenomenal and I havent seem to be slowed down at all. I remember when this first arose, the vzw REP put out a statement that said only the top 3% of data users would be slowed

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
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