Android ROM Site
The above link is to Conap's download page. His CFS kernel is now up to v8 and it's completely safe to flash.
When updating the kernel (especially since you've had battery issues) there are 3 very important things you must do when you reboot into recovery to do the flash:
1. Wipe Cache
2. Wipe Dalvik
3. Wipe Battery Stats
Since the previous battery-draining kernel threw all the battery calibration data out of whack, you'll need to wipe battery stats & discharge your battery completely a few times for your phone to re-learn how the battery is supposed to go. That will maximize battery life for you.
Please note that because you wiped the system cache & Dalvik cache, rebooting your phone into the OS after installing the kernel will take longer, up to five minutes. This is normal.
In addition to all this, you will want to go to the Applications menu under settings and clear data for the Camera. Reboot after clearing the data, and your camera should be a lot more stable.