New Member
yes, sorry I went on a rant there, amon_ra is the recovery you have if you used the eris one click root by jcase, and is highly recommended given the track record that clockwork has for bricking phones. collins_ph battery tweak is a script that works very much like set cpu but with out the gui, its all run in a terminal emulator, it gives you a little more control in some areas like how often the script pings for the state of the phone and some aspects of how the scheduler works, but as i stated before it dosnt work well with kaos froyo, but yes download cfs v6, put it on the root of your sd card, boot into recovery go to wipe/wipe dalvic cashe then volume down and go to flash zip from sd card, navigate to cfs v6 and flash, then wipe dalvic cashe again and boot. You battery life will greatly improve and after a few reboots your camera and gallery should work with no issues. Also just as a warning the setcpu widget will make your phone very unstable, dont use it. and with set cpu, id suggest keeping your max clock at 710, other wise your battery life will suffer, 764 is the highest your going to want to go with overclocking before youll start to see some horrible performance issues. but 710 is over clocked, our phones were originally clock at 528 i think..., a good set up ive found is full/charging 710-245 (or lower but bringing it all the way down to 19x can result in your cpu jumping speeds) screen off at 4xx-19x(bumb up to 122 if you exp. issues like music skipping or missed calls at 19) then 528-19x for batt under 35% and 480-19x for over heating, all ondemand, ive gotten up to 30 hours on this set up with no loss in function, just as snappy as a clean install. you know how to recal your battery? you cant just wipe battery stats, you have to fully charge with your phone off, wipe battery stats, let the phone drain until it dies and you can no longer turn it back on, charge fully while its off (best way to be sure your fully charging is to wait 1 hour after the green light comes on)Tnx Rigby, sorry for being out of the loop on the technical jargon in your reply but you kind of lost me. I don't know what amon ra or collins_ph is. What I do know is that I flashed KaosFroyo V38 and my battery life is not very good. I also have SetCPU and have configured it to my liking. I turned off most of the battery draining GUI stuff too.When you say to select "Wipe Cache" does that mean select "Wipe Data/Factory Reset"? What exactly does that do? Do I need to backup beforehand or restore anything upon rebooting?
wipe cashe is wiping dalvic cashe, should be a choice in the same menu with in amon ra, you can also wipe individual apps cashe by going too setting -manage applications- choose the app and there should be choices to uninstall, move to sd, clear cashe, clear data, ect. please trust me kaos froyo dose not work well with cfs v8, kaos v38 dose not have loop support, nor dose it include a gscript to start the uid that was compiled separate with the cfs v8, in other words you wont have apps2sd, with out adding the cmds to a script that runs at boot, and even then to you will loose wifi because the only available script that will run at boot is collins_ph battery script and it breaks wifi. we tried and tried to mod the zip to add the calls to init.rc without breaking wifi but with no luck ...trust me flash cfs v6
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So to hear you correctly, I should get CFSv6, wipe ONLY the Dalvik cache, wipe the battery stats, then flash the CFS zip?
Yeah I found this out the hard way...saw it was up to CFSv9 and threw it on...camera still didnt work right, and my mail app quit working...so I downloaded CFSv6, wiped cache again, threw it on and now all is good. I did the battery recal (cleared battery stat, let it die, and let it charge with phone off plus an hour after its green) and I'm testing it now to see how it performs. I have a 3500mah battery on its way to me but the back cover is UGLY!!...I might stick to 1500mah batteries and just carry a few. I like to play with my phone alot.