Installing FMRadio - Tutorial
The fine print: As always, I am not responsible if you mess up your phone, and if you did... go over to the XDA forum and checkout the SBF recovery tutorial. I wrote this from memory, so please bear with me while I try to figure out the bugs. As always, procedures/programs weren't created by me. Just putting it in a clarified instruction set so you Androids illiterates like me actually understand how to do it. Enjoy.
1. Download and extract files. Try to hold the file/folder structure.
2. Open command prompt. Start -> Run Program ->
3. Navigate to your AndroidSDK Tools directory. ex.
cd C:\android-sdk-windows\tools
4. Check for your devices. A device should list.
adb devices
5. Push all the files to your SD Card
adb push app/FMRadio.apk /sdcard/FMRadio.apk
adb push app/FMRadioService.apk /sdcard/FMRadioService.apk
adb push bin/fmradioserver /sdcard/fmradioserver
adb push lib/ /sdcard/
adb push lib/ /sdcard/
adb push lib/ /sdcard/
6. Run ADB Shell. If you are rooted, you should be prompted with a # command.
adb shell
I think... If not...
You need to get it so that the prompt is # and not $ (see 6a).
6a. Reference to the How to Root thread for further information.
With $ showing:
cd data/local/tmp
./rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin (This step should take not as long, but wait for it to throw you back to DOS)
adb devices (to check if the device is connected)
adb shell (should show # now)
7. Mount the /system. Type the command exactly.
mount -o rw,remount -t ext3 /dev/block/mmcblk1p21 /system
8. Copy all the files from the SD card to the phone.
cp /sdcard/FMRadio.apk /sysetm/app/FMRadio.apk
cp /sdcard/FMRadioService.apk /system/app/FMRadioService.apk
cp /sdcard/fmradioserver /system/bin/fmradioserver
cp /sdcard/ /system/lib/
cp /sdcard/ /system/lib/
cp /sdcard/ /system/lib/
9. Chmod the fmradioserver file
chmod 4755 /system/bin/fmradioserver
10. Dismount
mount -o ro,remount -t ext3 /dev/block/mmcblk1p21 /system
11. Enter "
exit" twice.
12. That's it, app should now be installed.
If this tutorial or any of my other tutorials helped, and you would like to show your gratitude, please feel free to send a few bucks my way. Paypal: