New Member
But again, you knew a year ago that this was coming. When they stopped offering the Unlimited plan, and 6 months later talked about throttling Unlimited plans that went over 2gb, etc...
You saw ATT do it, you see TMobile throttling. This is the industry as a whole, not just VZW.
Change providers. Only one provider offers Unlimited, and next year when they get rid of it where will you go then?
As for the kid working at the local store representing VZW. Not really. He is just some kid working at a VZW store. He doesn't set policy. He has no authority. And his inept or flawed interpretation of policy is not legally binding to VZW corporate.
Sprint also offers night and weekends starting at 7 pm, unlimited mobile to mobile on any carrier and cheaper texting. There's more benefits to going to Sprint than just the data. I always wanted a reason to switch to Sprint. Now I have one. Even if Sprint gets rid of unlimited data, it's still a better deal than Verizon.