THIS is the reason I am mad.
THIS is the reason I signed the petition.
THIS is the reason I will jump off Verizon if this plan goes through.
THIS is the reason that e-v-e-r-y-o-n-e here who posted "signed" needs to spread this link through their Twitter/Facebook/Google+ and get this awareness up! This petition only needs 50K signatures? You know how many Verizon customers there are out there? 50K is chump change.
When will you understand that VZW doesn't care?
They have tens of millions of subs. So let's say they lose 1,000 of them. So what? They probably sign up 1,000 new people, PER DAY.
In the end, they will throw a bone here and there for PR purposes, but they would rather lose 1,000 subs than 1,000 stockholders. You matter to them only so much that a significant number doesn't leave them, because that would make the shareholders unhappy. But they ran the numbers, they looked at the increased revenue from tiered plans and put that against what they think they would lose in subs, and the numbers favored going to the tiered plans... The money they make there is greater than what they lose from the people who claim they will leave, because there are not many that would leave, and of every 5 that say they would, only 1 or 2 actually will, at most. Because the rest of the industry has already gotten rid of unlimited, and Sprint will too. So they know that for all your outrage and bluster, you really don't have anywhere else to go.
They ran the numbers, and this is what is gonna happen.