Active Member
The problem with this logic is that Verizon, and all the other carriers for that matter, brags about how fast they are and encourage the data usage with just about every commercial. They tell you about all these amazing things you can do on you phone. Surf the net, watch movies and TV shows, stream music etc. Now on top of that a lot of the newer phones are HD compounding the problem. When you start doing all that 4 gigs of data doesn't seem like a lot any more. So from one side they are telling you how great the service is and then in the background they are hamstringing it.
Its basically like being handed the keys to a Ferarri, but begin told you can only drive it around the block.
I beg to differ. The logic above is quite sound. While it's true that Verizon and others are touting the benefits of 4G and companies are producing HD devices, each provider knows that their profits are driven by fees charged on data usage. The more data used, the higher the fee. Unlimited has been fantastic and I hope it never ends, however, the providers are in business to make money. The questions that beg to be asked are: Will current users already on 4g be able to maintain their unlimited package as long as their plan doesn't change? Will current 4G customers be allowed to keep their current package after their contract expires, if/when they upgrade to a newer 4G device? Or, does this only apply to new customers, and current 3G customers when they upgrade to 4G.
Only time will tell.