And that's all that I am saying. It seems that we have at least one of these threads a week, and people keep pretending to either be surprised, or indignant that VZW might cut them off and keep them from continuing to steal from them.
It's not in VZW's best interest to let people have unlimited data and also include tethering for $30 a month, or even $50 a month. If you want to tether and use lots of extra data, especially the people firing up hot spots for their Xbox and use it as a home ISP, which people here do... Expect the gravy train to end at some point, and don't insult the readers by pretending that VZW is doing something wrong when they finally drop the hammer and stop you from stealing services from them...
To the guy that said, "Here in SE Texas, we call that a busy body"...
Granted. Question, what do you guys in SE Texas call taking something that you didn't pay for?
It's not about jealousy. We have a $350 monthly bill, and I will make enough to pay that bill tomorrow when I go to work. Before lunch time. It's not why I am posting this, trust me.
I just hate seeing the same stupid threads each week, and if you guys can continue to be surprised and angry, I can continue to call you guys out on it and tell you to man up...