So i am in a live chat with a motorola agent from there website, and this is what he has said. Getting the battery door replaced now.
Leandro P.: Hi, my name is Leandro P.. How may I help you?
Robert Rice: My droid battery door falls off
Robert Rice: can i get a new one
Leandro P.: I am sorry that it is falling off, but let me help you with this
Leandro P.: Since the date of purchase, there is a one year standard warranty through Motorola
Leandro P.: It will not cover any physical or liquid damage
Leandro P.: We can replace the back cover in warranty
Robert Rice: what does that mean i have to send my phone out? Verizon was giving away battery doors for free, but they are no longer available.
Robert Rice: why cant i just get a new battery door.
Leandro P.: I was saying that you could get the battery door replaced.
Robert Rice: ahh ok
Leandro P.: Let me please have your physical address and contact phone number
Robert Rice: well if i get a new battery door does that void any warranty?
Leandro P.: No, it does not
Robert Rice: ok awesome