Geez - how easy the mods would be able to not only delete your thread, your presence here on the forums, and probably your identity on earth (think the movie "The Net")! Yikes! :icon_ banana::icon_ banana: Just messin' wif ya!All the mods do seserve a round of aplause, except for CK... that guy is a ***********************. Oh and throw Sam in that list as well i cant stand all his ******* and all that ****** god it makes me so ******* mad i just wannt beat his ***.
Just kidding you guys, you know i love ya'll! Thanks for making DF what it is.

Of course - we all know these guys are a bunch of kitty cats! We have them right where we want them. Every once in a while we purposely post a "no-no" just so that they can delete it and feel they earn their titles! :icon_ devil::icon_ devil:
Nah! Just like you - I'm kidding! As a guy that hangs out on at least a dozen other unrelated forums, as well as being a Mod myself on one, I know this is probably the best bunch of guys I've ever seen running a site! And that's saying a bit given the size and scope of DF!
Everyone together now - "For they're a jolly good bunch now, the best in the world at what they do now, and forever we'll applaud their efforts now"!!! Next chorus, same as the first... okay - you get the picture!