Good for you. I could have it all too if i wanted to root or buy it in July or august whoopie. I had 2 day one didn't have to wait 2 months. Dont be mad at me for Verizons ineptitude
Not rooted at all. Try doing a little looking around and you'll find out some information
Looking around is not part of the Verizon announced OTA update. I agree with Riddlin, this is a lame launch announcement with no actual rollout. Verizon offices this morning:
VZW Marketing: "Ok, we sent out the tweet, let's roll"
VZW Tech: "Dude, we've got at least 15 more hours of server work to get ready"
VZW Marketing: "No problem. You have till midnight"
VZW Tech: "It's Friday! Who launches sweeping software updates on a weekend?!!"
VZW Marketing: "Call us when you're done. We'll be at happy hour"
VZW Tech: "D$#%"