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Why do people use EMEA (europe) pricing? It's never equivalent. I would bet bottom dollar this phone won't be $799 off contract but more so what I stated above.
so long as it stays in line with the previous Nexus models, a Verizon Nexus will draw HUGE dev attention. I imagine even more so than the OG Droid, only because there are so many more people and devs wanting to learn about this stuff. Should be some awesome stuff coming...
sdcards are overrated these days. As long as there is enough space to store my apps, and a few hundred songs, I can still connect the device to my computer to move files back and forth or use the cloud.
I spent 50 dollars more on the 32 GB edition of the Touchpad, and it still has 28.8 Gigs free on the thing because I store most of anything I need in the cloud.
Um, what happened to that speculation we had about the GNex fitting into a tablet shell, going with the "perfect combination" bit. I tell you this, somebody is missing out on some money to be made.
sdcards are overrated these days. As long as there is enough space to store my apps, and a few hundred songs, I can still connect the device to my computer to move files back and forth or use the cloud.
I spent 50 dollars more on the 32 GB edition of the Touchpad, and it still has 28.8 Gigs free on the thing because I store most of anything I need in the cloud.
Same here, I actually find I hardly use my touchpad as my son always uses it to play PBS Kids. And I am in the process of moving everything to the multiple cloud drive accounts I utilize. Which actually works better for me cause I'm not limited to where I can have or share my files
Just speculation on my part but I would think they will list for $299 (16gb) and $349 or $399 (32gb). I could be wrong but if I am not mistaken for the most part all Verizon LTE phones are a minimum of $299 with a new contract (not counting discounts, etc.). Using the Bionic as an example - package deal at CostCo for maybe $249 for the 16gb and maybe $300-349 for the 32gb.
Just saying, however, as my wife often says - I could be wrong (and probably am)
As much as I want this phone, I won't pay more than $300 for the subsidized version. Anything more and you just get into the realm of stupid expensive. I will have to look at the Razr or Rezovigorzound as alternative options.
Some of the internal storage, say 8 GB, will probably be dedicated to application storage, so it won't be available for media, files, etc.. If that's the case, then the 16GB model will have too little storage. Heck, even if all 16GB were available I'm not sure that it would be enough. I sure hope the 32GB model is not priced more than $299.
Some of the internal storage, say 8 GB, will probably be dedicated to application storage, so it won't be available for media, files, etc.. If that's the case, then the 16GB model will have too little storage. Heck, even if all 16GB were available I'm not sure that it would be enough. I sure hope the 32GB model is not priced more than $299.
Im actually wondering if tjey will have an internal memory card, that can supposedly be removed and changed for a larger one.....Kind of like how the Velocity Cruz tablets were designed....not sure if any phone had this feature before. But would be nice if we could open it up and change the amount of memory it would have. which case buy the smaller version and jus pop a new micro card in.