Might've been leather. Probably fake leather. It has been used without the cover since I cut it off. It was a flap that folds over. Similar to the s view, but without the window in it. Girlfriend got the same case for her s3 & cut the flap off too, though she lasted longer than I did.So when you say front cover do you mean Clear front cover like Otterbox screen protector or do you mean like a leather front cover? Can it be used with out the fron cover?
I don't do screen protectors either though. Gorilla Glass is awesome & I'm pretty gentle on phones for the most part. Always goes in my front left pocket by itself with the screen against my leg.
I might let the otterbox plastic cover slide if I could stand the thickness of their cases, but I like my screen naked. Clearest picture. Why cover it with something that'll get smudged & scratched & look like crap when we know Gorilla glass can at least stand up to keys? But I realize others are a lot tougher on their phones than I am.
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