No...because you can't flash back to an older kernel/bootloader. The updating procedure (OTA, fastboot, whatever) does not allow for it.
The OTA's allow you to update stock (.219) or itself (.200 to .200, .206 to .206 and .208 to .208). What they are doing with this procedure is using the stock GB kernel (the .219) and patching it with the files in the OTA (since that is what it does), then flashing the .219 system so the OTA can update it. Since the .208 OTA is able to update a .219 kernel and a .219 system.....AND a .208 kernel/ sees the .208 kernel and proceeds, sees the .219 system and updates it.
There is no way to actually flash an older kernel back to the device.
The OTA's allow you to update stock (.219) or itself (.200 to .200, .206 to .206 and .208 to .208). What they are doing with this procedure is using the stock GB kernel (the .219) and patching it with the files in the OTA (since that is what it does), then flashing the .219 system so the OTA can update it. Since the .208 OTA is able to update a .219 kernel and a .219 system.....AND a .208 kernel/ sees the .208 kernel and proceeds, sees the .219 system and updates it.
There is no way to actually flash an older kernel back to the device.