That's what I figured, since a ROM flash doesn't touch the radio... I just never used a ROM that wasn't based off my current OTA, if that makes sense..
It makes sense. Haha.
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That's what I figured, since a ROM flash doesn't touch the radio... I just never used a ROM that wasn't based off my current OTA, if that makes sense..
Before I doing something stupid I thought I would see if anyone has tried to get back to 893 with the PathSaver tool. I need to do a warranty return for my rooted 901 and want to get it back to unrooted stock.
If not, any thoughts on how to go back safely?
If you want unrooted 893 use the original pathsaver script. It will still try to root but it wont succeed. If you use the runmebb.bat fix it will root you while running 886 before flashing the boot.img allowing you to update to 893. If you stopped the runmebbb.bat script before the rooting process you'd miss the boot.img flash and 893 will fail. Just run runme.bat instead of runmebbb.bat. that should keep you unrooted.
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I've been reading this and other posts about getting back on the upgrade path and I'm a bit confused. My version is 5.5.893.XT875.Verizon.en.us and kernel version is Do I need to run this script to get back on the OTA path or am I already on it? My phone is not rooted and I have never installed the 5.9.901 update. I am looking to stay at 5.5.886 to try it and wait for my phone to receive .901 when it gets pushed. Thought I'd ask before running scripts, just a bit noobish on the Bionic processes
Quick question... I'm on 5.5.893 rooted and I deleted a whole load of bloat and other stuff... will this return me to stock 893 with all bloat so I can receive 901 OTA whenever it comes around... I don't want 901 yet... my 893 runs perfect...
So in other words... can I use this to restore all my deleted apps?? Or do I have to restore my apps some other way?
Nobodys certain 901 will be pushed out. It was never supposed to be pushed to the people it was pushed to. You should be able to just download and install the the 901 update in stock recovery giving your stock system. If you don't want to be rooted that is.
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It restores everything to stock 886, including bloat, and roots. If you want to stay on 893 you'll have to update again after the script. The updates are in the download though. And there's no telling if 901 will even be pushed out. It was an accident that anyone got it in the first place.
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