I could really use some help (please)
I've followed all of the instructions to the letter... and I've read all of the trouble-shooting posts. Nothing seems to be working though. Unfortunatley, I am totally stumped (or maybe my brain is just a little fried, trying dozens of different solutions).
My current situation, is that, I am running version 5.5.893, and I am rooted. Any help getting me to a rooted .901 would be greatly appreciated. I tried going back to a stock .886 and following the BionicPathSaver instructions, but I conistently run into problems.
((After I ran "runmebbb", I lost root, so I ran runmebbb again...
Then I lost my connectivity, and I installed the radio file...
When I re-ran the runmebbb, I got stuck on 5.5.886 without ...
I'm assuming that I need to get rooted and run forever root (I can't find the For3ver Root file anywhere... Looks like DHacker is down)
Motorola one-click root didn't work... Pete's Root Tool didn't work... I also tried the BionicRestorer, but I couldn't navigate the file system with the Terminal Emulator))
I'd rather not brick my phone, so could someone please give me some advice on what I should try next... thanks!