I don't get the hate towards either device. Nexus devices are always awesome, and the RAZR is about the best design for a smartphone since the OG Droid. I was planning on getting the Galaxy Nexus, but Amazon's $0.01 sale on the RAZR changed my mind. In any case, what's to hate on with either device? Both are dual core, 4GLTE Android handsets made by premium makers and running on Verizon. The GNex has the better screen (though it might not matter in practise), NFC and the advantage of vanilla Android and an unencrypted bootloader. The RAZR has a higher mp camera (though it might not matter in practise), removable storage, and the better form factor (if you think the GNex is a sexier device, you need your eyes checked).
Both are top-notch phones. Anyone who says, "X is WAY better than Y!" isn't being objective. I would personally probably have more fun with the GNex (unless they open up the bootloader on the RAZR), but I would recomend the RAZR over the GNex to almost any of my associates. But either device is a top-tier, second to none Android experience. You really can't lose with either phone.
UMMMM... what $0.01 sale???? Please tell me!