Then you'll love the new LG phones. I just don't personally care for LCD (be it IPS, PLS, SLCD, etc.).
Which LG Phones?
Then you'll love the new LG phones. I just don't personally care for LCD (be it IPS, PLS, SLCD, etc.).
Which LG Phones?
As some of yall can see. ... this is typed from a G Nex. I'm test driving it for about ten days.
Reading about all the issues, and the first day using it...I thought here we go. After the first day... things are looking better. One area its surprising me in is phone reception. For my wants n needs.. so far its doing ok. I'm only talking about phone reception right now. Will see how things go in ten days.
I feel I can say this: so far...just based on regular phone use... neither is clearly better than the other. They both are fast, smooth. I also must have a decent working one. And maybe its 4.0.1 I am getting a prompt for an update... wont do it just yet... but some keyboard and some screen rotations do lag compared to the razr. Thats with animations turned off on both phones.
Mad that verizon is counting the day shipped, and not the day activated.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
Thanks a lot for that post, Jroc. Can we expect a more comprehensive Gnex review from you? You know, camera, build, ICS, etc. I know we share our view on Razr, so it would be very interesting to see what you think of Gnex as the overall package without the rooting/development superiority factor coming into play.
So, I went to a verizon store today thinking about exchanging my GN with a Razr, but two Verizon employees kind of dissuaded me from doing so. They were both quite vocal about it. ("ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?" [of course jokingly]).
They said that they had not heard of any signal complaints specifically for GN and that around 1-2 week ago, Verizon's network was having a lot of issues. So, they think it was the network rather than the phone. Other than that, their two main points were
1. Both of them said ICS is just so much better with a lot more options than Gingerbread.
2. One of them said that the non-removable battery of Razr was a pretty big turnoff because you can't use an extended battery and the battery will noticeable amount of charge capacity in about 1 to 1 1/2 years.
They also liked GN's display better, but admitted that the two phones were close enough in resolution to notice much difference if at all.
What do you guys think about their opinions? I still have until the 15th to decide.
I dont know. There have been so many to last a I'm just trying to bring some fairness to the phone vs phone debates for as long as I have the G Nex.
1. Yea ICS has alot more options. And I like how it's setup. So much better than stock GB? I agree. So much better than GB with a custom UI? A lil hard to say to me. I could agree its better, not SO much better tho cuz custom UI's add their own lil things too. I might like the color schemes in some areas on custom UI's better. And I do. I miss the T9 dialing on my RAZR at times, something that HTC had on Android before Motorola started using it on their Android phones. Lil things like that. Yea it can be added back with a dialer app. Moto and HTC add some nice things to their UI's. Samsung too. Sometimes its nice to have it already on the phone. Like Smart Actions and Motocast.
2. Non removable battery....its either you dont mind or its a deal breaker. Dont really know any other way to say it. Like how some ppl accepted the no sd card with the G Nex, some have accepted the non removable battery. In 1 and 1/2 years...arent we ready for the next great super phone...? lol
I would agree about the screens. If I had to pick a screen, I would pick the G Nex. You dont really notice the difference until you start to hold both closer than normal...for me anyway. Now that I think about it, I might do a more detailed write up of the RAZR vs the G Nex. I bet if ppl really spent some time with all these phones, similar sized likes and dislikes lists would form. So far I have yet to see where the G Nex is so much better than the RAZR and vice versa. I cant wait to see what Moto does with ICS on the RAZR. HTC and Samsung too. I hope Moto chooses a different color scheme for some areas..dont like the light blue in some areas on the G Nex.
So, I went to a verizon store today thinking about exchanging my GN with a Razr, but two verizon employees kind of dissuaded me from doing so. They were both quite vocal about it. ("ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?" [of course jokingly]).
They said that they had not heard of any signal complaints specifically for GN and that around 1-2 week ago, Verizon's network was having a lot of issues. So, they think it was the network rather than the phone. Other than that, their two main points were
1. Both of them said ICS is just so much better with a lot more options than Gingerbread.
2. One of them said that the non-removable battery of Razr was a pretty big turnoff because you can't use an extended battery and the battery will noticeable amount of charge capacity in about 1 to 1 1/2 years.
They also liked GN's display better, but admitted that the two phones were close enough in resolution to notice much difference if at all.
What do you guys think about their opinions? I still have until the 15th to decide.
Some of the items you mentioned are all opinion and conjecture, it's up to you how YOU feel about the 2 phones.
The battery issue, I believe that's total bunk. Just look at the iPhone. No systemic battery failures have been discovered and they have been out for years. Besides, in 18 months both of these phones will be dinosaurs.
On the signal issue, just take a stroll on the GN forum of this site and read all about the GN signal issues.
Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk
I am typing this on my Droid 1 I got in November 2009. There are quite a few of us that keep their phones longer than 2 years especially with kids and spouses using upgrades lol
I have read a few posts that the battery can be replaced - not on a daily bases with a spare but if the battery dies after a while it shouldn't be a big problem.
I replaced the battery on my Droid 1 after 22 months. Made a huge difference.
Sent from my Droid using DroidForums
I kept my Droid 1 for 2 years on the same battery without any issue and I ran that battery ragged with all the flashing and testing.
Matter of fact every phone I've ever owned I never bought a spare battery for them.
As mentioned above, iPhone has had no issues with battery failures. They work for years.
Sent from Droid RAZR
Just waiting for the GNex trolls to show up and start flaming your post but both phones are good choices but I prefer my Kevlar coated Razr over a plastic phone any day. I feel that the Razr is more overall great phone over the nexus. Another satisfied Razr owner if you ask me![]()
Sent from my Boeing approved Moto DROID Razr