done- - reverted back to pre-5.0 ... i hate ads in my apps
all i care for is maps and nav ... unless the landscapes change drastically any time soon, ill be fine without the new features in 5.0 ...
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lol, thanks for the update. I have yet to see an ad on my maps.
it's a free app anyways. What's the harm in letting an occasional ad show to support the development? You do know that Google's Android development is 100% paid for by ad revenue, right? Not even like, 90%... 100% supported by ad revenue.
I have an ad! someone call the waaaaaamulance!
BTW, those ads are usually directed advertisements based on your internet history. Just sayin...
lol, thanks for the update. I have yet to see an ad on my maps.
it's a free app anyways. What's the harm in letting an occasional ad show to support the development? You do know that Google's Android development is 100% paid for by ad revenue, right? Not even like, 90%... 100% supported by ad revenue.
I have an ad! someone call the waaaaaamulance!
BTW, those ads are usually directed advertisements based on your internet history. Just sayin...
google doesnt need to script my internet whereabouts. and i never surfed porn or anything along those types of sites on my phone, so how are the ads related to my surf history?
additionally, i have my internet history paused in my google account, so it should not be tracking my whereabouts anyway.
im one of those ppl that values my privacy and dont need some big corp parsing and accumulating my habbits for one reason or another, when they tell you those features are to help your experience along, thats just part of some bigger picture.
plain and simple i just appreciate my privacy, i dont want to feel like a jason bourne ...
sent via wireless device
Don't want the ads? Simply install free program from the market called AdFree. No sense it not having the best version of Google Maps over something that can easily be resolved.
lol, thanks for the update. I have yet to see an ad on my maps.
it's a free app anyways. What's the harm in letting an occasional ad show to support the development? You do know that Google's Android development is 100% paid for by ad revenue, right? Not even like, 90%... 100% supported by ad revenue.
I have an ad! someone call the waaaaaamulance!
BTW, those ads are usually directed advertisements based on your internet history. Just sayin...
google doesnt need to script my internet whereabouts. and i never surfed porn or anything along those types of sites on my phone, so how are the ads related to my surf history?
additionally, i have my internet history paused in my google account, so it should not be tracking my whereabouts anyway.
im one of those ppl that values my privacy and dont need some big corp parsing and accumulating my habbits for one reason or another, when they tell you those features are to help your experience along, thats just part of some bigger picture.
plain and simple i just appreciate my privacy, i dont want to feel like a jason bourne ...
sent via wireless device
lol, thanks for the update. I have yet to see an ad on my maps.
it's a free app anyways. What's the harm in letting an occasional ad show to support the development? You do know that Google's Android development is 100% paid for by ad revenue, right? Not even like, 90%... 100% supported by ad revenue.
I have an ad! someone call the waaaaaamulance!
BTW, those ads are usually directed advertisements based on your internet history. Just sayin...
google doesnt need to script my internet whereabouts. and i never surfed porn or anything along those types of sites on my phone, so how are the ads related to my surf history?
additionally, i have my internet history paused in my google account, so it should not be tracking my whereabouts anyway.
im one of those ppl that values my privacy and dont need some big corp parsing and accumulating my habbits for one reason or another, when they tell you those features are to help your experience along, thats just part of some bigger picture.
plain and simple i just appreciate my privacy, i dont want to feel like a jason bourne ...
sent via wireless device
odds are you use your gmail account on your Home/Work PC(Like I do) Ya I have a work email, but I still use my gmail a lot.
The adds could very well come from there too. Its your search history. Not saying you look up porn or anything but ya if you do anywhere you log into google could track that and past it to your droid device.
As a person stated google does run off ad's. In fact thats the main focus behind the android system. To get ad's to billions of people. This is how they plan to keep the android a Open source free OS.
If you still want to revert back to a old google maps just find a old version, uninstall the new one and install the old one. Should work just fine. You might need root to uninstall tho.
i know all about the search history, as i mentioned i keep mine disabled/paused.
i reverted back by uninstalling updates and unchecking automatic update in the market. im good to go now
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I don't believe it does.Why oh why do the cached maps save on internal storage![]()