If anything, it would make more sense for them to buy Cablevision or Time-Warner Cable where they now have a pipe to send advertising to THE HOME. Imagine a set top box that you could do searches from, and would be tied in with your Google Search history, and thus, they could TARGET commercials to your TV that are based on what you watch, see, buy, etc.
I'm not trying to feed the conspiracy theory but technically Verizon's FiOS would allow this also and at a much larger bandwidth capacity vs. aged coax lines. The only thing that TWC has an advantage over is that FiOS is still a limited market. The real question remaining is, is data going to be wired much longer anyways? How long until 4G or 5G runs cable tv, VoIP and internet in every home?
You know what it also does? Makes them a Telecom and subject to all the laws that go with it. Sticking with a cable provider allows them to dabble in the voice space while still maintaining they are a marketing/advertising company.
And if you are right about 4g or 5g taking over from wires, then taking over from an "antiquated" coax makes even more sense since why would you pay a premium for fiber?
Bear in mind, I think both are far fetched b/c as somebody pointed out already, Google is making money NOT investing in infrastructure, and see no valid reason for them to start now.