No one is saying not to support the Android OS from manufacturers such as Motorola, Dell, Acer, LG, HTC. We are saying that the opposition of Google's infiltration in to the hardware business was a dagger to the back of many involved in the industry. "Y Tu Brute?"
Really if you're going to quote Shakespeare, at least take a moment to look up the quote. It's "Et tu, Brute". It's about as retarded as saying "a stick in time saves nine" or "a flash in the pants". Even conspiracy theories need proper quotation.
So let me see if I get this right. You support your google-owned phone OS, which Google has, for the most part, full control over. But the concept of them going to a phone maker and making a device to their specs freaks you out?
Even if your fear-mongering held a ounce of truth to it, it's still nowhere the monopolistic move that Apple has put forth in saying "this is the only phone that runs our phone OS". Google's Nexus One is fully dependent on people supporting it through choice, not because they're forced to because it's the only option of an Android phone. Who cares if Google makes the Nexus One, don't want it, don't buy it.. go get some other Android phone. Phew, rough. Thinking is hard!