Summary of a recent post that I deleted...
Google is making you dependent on them for all your needs. It is capitalizing on the sheep-like tendencies of society. What is easy must be better...that's the idea here and Google is making convenience seem like a beneficial thing. The strategy is to blind you from what is going on. You are becoming dependent on them for everything. Google is your shepherd.
[They are not like Apple. Apple restricted its OS to their own line of devices. Google allowed their OS to spread on various manufactures and now stabbed them in the back. Don't be surprised when one year from now most of these manufactures revolt and look elsewhere....well as long as Microsoft does not create their own device [which they very well may now do after Google's actions].
Apple restricted their OS to their own line of devices because they are elitist a**holes. Google makes their stuff available to make things better.
Why does it bother you that a company makes good products and offers them for free? It isn't capitalizing on "sheep-like tendencies of society", it's making awesome stuff that people want. Google is a publicly traded corporation, it makes no difference if people decide to use all of their products. If they make poor decisions that screw people over, they will lose a ridiculous amount of money.
Your arguments against google are just argumentative, and you're probably one of those annoying people at work that act like they know everything and everyone else is stupid.