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Got my X2

for those of you in this thread that have the DX2 now - thoughts on the screen? It seems the resolution is obviously better, and it gets pretty bright, but scrolling when there's white on black text makes it flicker a lot, scrolling the homescreen seems to leave very subtle "trails" of icons/widgets as it moves... it's weird - doesn't seem as smooth as previous phones. Also wallpapers (try live smoke for example) don't seem to like the screen very much... fades look crappy, etc. Just wondering if I'm crazy or not...
Anyone with a dx2 rooted if you could plz post the build prop file I would be very thankful. And yes gingerbreak will root it

# begin build properties
# autogenerated by buildinfo.sh
ro.build.date=Mon Apr 18 00:53:40 EDT 2011
ro.product.model=DROID X2
# ro.build.product is obsolete; use ro.product.device
# Do not try to parse ro.build.description or .fingerprint
ro.build.description=daytona-user 2.2.2 4.4.1_274_DTN-14.8 110418 release-keys
# end build properties
# CDMA RIL ---------------------
#IKXETNA-176: Increased number of mux channels to include M2M.
#Commenting out the rild path here. Check daytona.mk
# Comment the following line for use with Multimode or LTE RIL
# rild.libpath=/system/lib/libmoto_ril.so
# End of CDMA RIL --------------

# LTE RIL ----------------------
# Comment the following line for use with Multimode or CDMA RIL
# rild.libpath=/system/lib/lib-mot-lte-ril.so
# End of LTE RIL ---------------

# Multimode RIL ----------------
# Comment the following line for use with CDMA or LTE RIL
for those of you in this thread that have the DX2 now - thoughts on the screen? It seems the resolution is obviously better, and it gets pretty bright, but scrolling when there's white on black text makes it flicker a lot, scrolling the homescreen seems to leave very subtle "trails" of icons/widgets as it moves... it's weird - doesn't seem as smooth as previous phones. Also wallpapers (try live smoke for example) don't seem to like the screen very much... fades look crappy, etc. Just wondering if I'm crazy or not...

Like it so far, but I loaded up my stand by launcher pro so everything is smooth as butter. It is brighter with more contrast. The apps and functions are snappier but not really a big difference from the x. Ran 2 quadrant scores 2500 something and 2600 something for what that is worth. Nice so far, not a huge upgrade but I really want to see what this will do unleashed.

PS the NEtflix app does not work, (not recogized by the phone) :(. I guess root or an updated app. It may be in the market soon anyway as it is for some other android phones.
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for those of you in this thread that have the DX2 now - thoughts on the screen? It seems the resolution is obviously better, and it gets pretty bright, but scrolling when there's white on black text makes it flicker a lot, scrolling the homescreen seems to leave very subtle "trails" of icons/widgets as it moves... it's weird - doesn't seem as smooth as previous phones. Also wallpapers (try live smoke for example) don't seem to like the screen very much... fades look crappy, etc. Just wondering if I'm crazy or not...

Like it so far, but I loaded up my stand by launcher pro so everything is smooth as butter. It is brighter with more contrast. The apps and functions are snappier but not really a big difference from the x. Ran 2 quadrant scores 25000 something and 26000 something for what that is worth. Nice so far, not a huge upgrade but I really want to see what this will do unleashed.

after some research, it appears the screen "issues" i'm seeing are due to the fact that, apparently, the DX2 has a pentile screen like the Atrix... can't verify that for sure, but it sure looks like it... supposedly a battery saver, and brighter, but messes up on pixel usage
I have noticed these problems with the scrolling and reading on the screen. The sharper text and resolution is nice, but not sure why it was necessary to sacrifice the smoothness of scrolling.
I have noticed these problems with the scrolling and reading on the screen. The sharper text and resolution is nice, but not sure why it was necessary to sacrifice the smoothness of scrolling.

From what I've read, the pentile display is cheaper for the manufacturer... I read one article that said it's better on the battery as well, but only one article...
It's pentile, and I'm peeved as a pink pony. Deal breaker for me. Hate the phone already and can't wait to get rid of it.
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I wont know until I see one in person, but some ppl said the higher res, qHD offsets the Pentile effect somewhat. Some with older phones that had the older Amoled screens said it isnt as bad as those older phones. I also know there were so many ppl that didnt see it or care that got Inc and GS1 phones last year.

Seeing as Moto is sticking with these qHD screens for the near future, this is the one time I might have to overlook this con....I hate this...lol. I was a big fan of LCD screens compared to Amoled ones last year too...I know for my next phone I will have to see it in person before buying. I basically got the DX1 site unseen. And it worked out in that case for me, but might not from now on.
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It's literally the first thing I noticed as soon as I powered on the device. I went "oh god, what's wrong with the battery icon?" then immediately noticed the text on the 2 widgets I use on my main homescreen were heavily artifacted as soon as I added them (one uses orange text and the other uses green). The only way to not see the artifacting is to hold the phone as far as I can with my arm outstretched, which looks pretty silly. I normally view my phone at about 10-12".
I dont think 10-12" is that close. I cant really measure but I might use my phone at about the same distance. Especially in the bathroom...lol
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