it has been confirmed it's running at 720MHz. the overclock app is loaded at a default of 550. then again, you are able to modify the value to your needs.
for the Starhub Mobile TV app, you may go to market and download it from there.
Thanks for the help!
hmm, when I used linkpack without the overclock app, the result is about 6++ After using overclock app to set to 720Mhz, the mflops increased to 8++.
I am really doubting if that Euro Rom is stock clocked at 720Mhz?
Looks like my suspicion is correct!
Motorola Europe repents, restores Milestone XT720 CPU to 720MHz speed with software update -- Engadget
Where can we find the update? Is Navalynt going to update this guide with this updated firmware?
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