beako - You can use ext2 just fine but ext3 is preferred because it has journaling.
khalpowers - Glad to see it working out for you! I've never been able to get 720p recording to work with out some serious studdering but I did add an edit to the build.prop to double the max quality for 480p recording.
stukas - I got your PM and decided to give the /cache partition a try for the dalvik-cache. I have it booting but I would still consider the update below to be experimental.
So, here it, and experiment v4 of the script based on the Russian U2_03.20.1 flash. It booted without errors on my XT720 which was originally a 550Mhz clocked Singapore model and it is clocked factory at 720Mhz. I'm not sure what other optimizations have been done and I won't have time to run benchmarks until later tomorrow evening.
I also included an option to run my person cleanup script which removes some of the /system/app applications which I don't personally use. These are as follows:
- Facebook.apk
- MagicSmokeWallpapers.apk
- MotAccuWeatherWidget.apk
- MotoCAL.apk
- MotoCarDock.apk
- MotoGAL.apk
- MotoHome.apk
- Motonav.apk
- MotoNotePad.apk
- QuickOffice.apk
- VisualizationWallpapers.apk
- Email.apk
- MobidivKeyboard.apk
If you don't want these removed, don't run step 4! I have no use for these myself so they are just wasting resources.
Once I have some feedback that this is working correctly for others and that there are no issues with the dalvik-cache I will update the first post and maybe do a little more polishing on the script.