The Live Wallpaper seems to be doing something strange to my home screens - three times now I've used the unlock screen only to find most of the shortcuts and widgets missing. One or two will still be there but everything else is invisible. Rebooting fixes it but it just happens again shortly after. Changed off of Live Wallpaper to a static one and it hasn't happened again since.
Yes, mine has done the same thing. When I unlocked the whole page was blank until i swiped and then swiped back everything was there. Also the live walls appear to slow down the UI a tad. One time an app forced closed and the live wall changed to the last static one I had. :icon_eek: so it's a bit buggy hopefully the kinks will be smoothed out but overall very happy w/ the new gallery, & pinch zoom.
I'm not surprised that the live WPs slow down the system just surprised by how much. Went to a static one and whoa what a difference. All the more reason to overclock that sucka