I did indeed uninstall it, as well as the odd "com.cooliris..." apk that was sitting in settings\applications. Still FC's on me.
I would pull the icon into the trash/battery pull/set it on home screen again and then try it.
If that does not work I think a factory reset may be in store.
Thats really your last resort. Something is causing a conflict and you have uninstalled the known culprit(s) yet it still persists.
If I can think of anything else I'll throw it over the wall to you but it looks like you covered all the bases.
Please let me know if you get the Gallery up and running again
I ended up doing a factory reset, and that seemed to work for awhile. Then, the FCs started again. It's only when I close the gallery, and only when I specifically opened the gallery through a shortcut or launcher (applying wallpaper or icons don't cause it, for some reason). I thought it might be related to one of my launchers, as I was running Home++, Helix Launcher, and Koush's 2.1 ClockWorkModLauncher, so I pulled all three off and went back to stock. Still FCs on exit though.

It's strange... I never had FC issues when I was running the hacked version of the 3D launcher on 2.0.1, but now that I have the "official" version it's practically unusable. I'm starting to lean towards 2.0.1 --> Root.

EDIT: I just did a battery pull on my stock launcher phone, and now everything seems to be functioning again. I'm guessing it's either a launcher, BetterCut or Apps Organizer that is causing the conflict.
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