I will post my theme here as well just in case some people do not visit the regular droidxforums.com site. They'll have access to it here.
My submission for the Droid Forums Holiday theme contest.
For the Droid X ONLY!
Only made for the stock 2.2 OTA ROM.
Must be rooted, deodexed, have bootstrapper installed and the Droid X recovery to use.
Theme file download: REMEMBER...FOR DROID X ONLY!!!!
First up, the boot animation:
Image preview:
Animated preview can be seen here:
Animated Preview
Next, screen shots of the theme:
Elements of the phone that have been modified:
Code:*/system/app/Settings.apk (app icon and menu icons) */system/app/GenieWidget.apk (for widget) */system/app/Music.apk (for widget) */system/app/BlurHome.apk (soley for wallpapers) */system/app/com.quoord.tapatalkdrodiforums.activity-1.apk (icon change only) Heavy modifications: */system/framework/framework-res.apk --------Some elements are difficult to capture such as the "loading" spinner, but you can see the screenshot with the DroidForums Tapatalk app has the snowflake that spins. Other various edits have been made but you'll have to find them. */system/framework/services.jar (text color changes)
Finally, the Launcher Pro dock background. This file gets installed directly to your SD card (included in the theme, no need to put on your SD card separately). If you use LP, simply add it as your background for the dock.
To install my theme:
1. Download the theme file and place on your SD card.
2. Open Droid X Bootstrapper: Press Bootstrap Recovery, wait for success. Then Reboot Recovery.
3. From recovery menu, select "install zip from sdcard"
4. Select "choose zip from sdcard"
5. Navigate to "DF_Holiday_Theme.zip" and select.
6. Let the file install.
7. Reboot your phone. May take a few moments because services.jar needs to make some changes to text colors.
8. Most importantly, ENJOY!
I hope you enjoy my theme and have a Happy Holidays!
dudeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee this is amazing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!