Anybody notice the track skip function using volume down button with the screen off seems to stick sometimes? It will keep skipping tracks even though your not holding the button anymore. This is the only issue I've had so far. I will try wiping and reinstalling again before filing a bug report.
This is a problem with the multi-threading nature of that implementation. I have been fighting that problem and for the most part have it hammered down, but it still seems to happen on occasion, sad to say.
If you experience this "never-ending skip", you can stop it by doing a quick tap on the volume button that has to do with the direction you were skipping. This is because the "skip" commands are cleared when doing a regular volume up/down command. You may have to do it a few times to get it to stick though.
Not the best option but it works for now. I'll still look into this issue. If you want to have an idea of why this has been such a hard bug to hammer out just ask any of the other devs how they feel about debugging multi-threaded applications
