after training today I am going to play with this lite then probably isntall the full version...
If you like the lite version at all then you'll probably like the full, it is SO much more full featured than the lite.
Yeah even though I have yet to play with it but getting 7 screens is AWESOME!!
I just reinstalled it and got one forceclose so far while dragging an icon onto my 3rd screen (AndroZip). After it reloaded, i dragged it over with no problems and havent had a forceclose yet. We'll see how it goes this time.
I currently have my 7 screens setup like so:
Pointless. This is where I put soundboards, speaking pad, and other apps that I don't NEED but like to play around with.
Games. I think its obvious what goes here
Entertainment. Music widget, Pandora widget, Slacker widget, and YouTube widget. They take up the whole screen so I may turn some into just app icons and add an rss feed or something else to this page.
Home. I have Beautiful Widgets "Home" widget on here with Phone, Messaging, Market, Browser, and both Email/Gmail and CarHome/DockRunner.
Tools. Here I put stuff like file managers, barcode scanner, picsay, calculator, notes, astrid, etc.
Fiance. I have a picture frame of my soon to be wife and direct links to call or message her. As soon as I start taking more pictures, it will have a couple more picture frames
Other. Currently empty. Not sure what I'm going to do with this one.
I have labels set up so each screen has a title in the corner and my theme/icons are the default Eclair ones. I hope it doesn't crash too much this time lol