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Home Screen - Icon Delay

Since this is the closest thread to the problem I just had for the first time on my phone too (Droid 1) it is probably more wide spread. I was thinking about a shot I took last night and went to hit the gallery and noticed it wasn't there....so I thumbed through the five screens I have and well---couldn't find it. Okay---something I did took them off. I went to put them all back on and then while I was about to let go of the screen I caught a glimpse of the icons on the screen. The icons flashed on the screen and off. I did a double blink like I had just saw a ghost and let the icon go. As soon as I did, tada. They were back.......so, it's likely a broader issue, and was my first time in seeing anything like it. Just mentioning it.
I have been one of the many people that are extremely frustrated by redraws and lag. I read up on people's advice - I moved any apps (2) from my sdcard back to my phone. I uninstalled advanced task killer, and I reduced the number of icons and widgets on my home screens. I'm not sure which of these tips actually fixed it, but I have practically no redraws or lag. Try these steps and let me know if it helped.
I have been one of the many people that are extremely frustrated by redraws and lag. I read up on people's advice - I moved any apps (2) from my sdcard back to my phone. I uninstalled advanced task killer, and I reduced the number of icons and widgets on my home screens. I'm not sure which of these tips actually fixed it, but I have practically no redraws or lag. Try these steps and let me know if it helped.

I've had similar issues, and I think you're right. I also think it's going to be a while before developers write apps in such a way that they operate efficiently from an "external" source. In the mean time, it may be helpful to look for apps that are running in the background more often, and if those apps are on the sdcard, try moving them back.
I found installing the larger file (I had gotten the OTA first) helped considerably.
Also, FWIW, I find exiting out of an app via back key (or quit option) as opposed to hitting the home key seems to make a difference, but YMMV.

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk

I think you got something here. It seems random when jumping straight to home, sometimes I get the home screen sometimes I get slow redraws. One thing starts it for me (slow redraws) is every time I jump out of navigation.

Tried to minimize the number of icons, no change.
Tried to draw a circle, na da.
Didn't move apps from SD card because problem started before I knew how to move an app to the card.
Started maps, searched a business and hit navigation. Got the oddly cheerful voice telling me to turn right, and I backed out all the way and hazzah!
Home screen no re-draw. Tried a bunch of apps and websites, when I backed out no redraws! WTF?
Is there something wrong with the way multitasking uses memory?
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I think I have a similar problem. I have a Moto Droid and sometimes when I slide the lock button over to unlock the screen, the screen freezes for about 2 seconds. Not a biggie, but still annoying.

Any ideas??

I just moved all my apps to my phone and uninstalled a bunch more. Only 1 app was on my SD. Then I did a battery pull while the phone was on. When the phone came back on I still had a pretty big delay for the screen being populated and then after it was I couldn't swipe to the other screens for a good 4-5 seconds.

Both 2.2 and 2.2 update were received OTA.
What's the latest on the home screen icon delay?

Well, it has been two months since this thread started. What is the general consensus on the solution to the icon delay issue? (since I still have the problem)
The only thing that seems to work for me is to clear the cashe and keep as much memory free as possible. I'm not sure that it really does anything but ya gotta do something.
I've read many threads on this issue. None of the stuff suggested has worked for me either. I have rooted my Droid, but no custom ROMs or kernels, all stock. Though overclocking may help (although 800mhz is tops with stock kernel), but that didn't help at all.

I've just been living with this issue. But one matter now makes this hurt more. My girlfriend, who is un-savvy and scarred of technology, just got the EVO the other day. Of course, I'm her tutor. Her EVO also has 2.2 and runs like a dream. No screen lags at all. Tons of stuff downloaded, tons of icons, lots of widgets, and no lag. AND it's 4G and 4G is available where we live. She pays the $30/month wifi tether fee (she prefers to stay legal and won't let me root her phone). I find it faster to use her phone as wifi than use her DSL connection or my Droid's 3G!

She now snickers when she sees me waiting for the stupid redraw problem. Yup, it hurts.
What version of Froyo are you running? I had lots of redraw issues on 01B, even rooted & overclocked. Launcher Pro helped a lot, but what made all the difference was upgrading to a deodexed 22D ROM; it's MetiCkOne's "BlackN'BlueBar" theme, and the only occasional lag I have lasts maybe a second. Otherwise it's smooth as silk, and that's using the 800Mhz kernel that came with it. I've used 1250Mhz, but don't really need to. He also has non-themed versions, and there are others as well if you want to try them.
I'm running FRG22D rooted. Thanks for recommending deodexed 22D ROM. While searching this issue, some people using various custom ROMS have the lagging redraw issue and some don't. Whats bothering is that there is no consensus about what really is the issue and the fix. Heck, some people in this thread claimed pulling the battery while the phone is on fixed it for them! There are a plethora of other suggestions too.

So I'm still holding for that "Bingo!" post. The one that nails it and has a definite fix. In the meantime, I'll have to put up with my girlfriend's mocking! :icon_ owned:
Well, this is an issue that I think does not have a single "Bingo" type of solution. My "Gut Feeling" is that it may be caused by a number of different things and it may even take a combination of different issue to cause it on some folk's phones. So, my suggestion of the day is to do a Factory Hard Reset. I suggest that along with trying every single one of the suggestions found in the Redraw Threads.

Here are some of my favorite ones:

1. No Widgets except on the home screen.
2. No widgets or icons for apps that on the sdcard.
3. Use an app such as Cache Mate occasionally.
4. Delete any and all task killers.
5. Delete any and all virus protectors.
6. Switch to a different launcher. If you are using stock, switch to Launcher Pro, or to ADW, etc. Just switch to a different launcher.
7. Set window transitions to off.
8. Set screen animations to off.

Well, this list could go on forever. But you get the idea, just try a bunch of stuff (but one at time so will have a clue as to what fixed it).

Good luck.
My solution for redraw delay for icon display on homescreen.

My Droid 1 is running stock 2.2 and I am using Launcher Pro for my home screen. Over the past several months and especially after the upgrade to 2.2, I was having frequent redraws on the icons.

Normally, I use my phone in portrait mode (vertical) and rarely in landscape mode (horizontal). I found that by changing a couple of settings on my Droid and a similar preference in Launcher Pro, the delay caused by redraws became infrequent.

Essentially, I forced my Droid to be in portait (vertical) mode and not be concerned with landscape.

On the Droid,
1. Menu/Settings/Display
Uncheck the box for Auto-Rotate Screen
2. Animation - select No Animations

For Launcher Pro
1. Menu/Preferences/Behaviour Settings
Uncheck the box for Enable Auto-rotation

I find that those applications that use landscape still rotate the screen to landcape as does sliding out the keyboard.

Just me experience; I imagine yours will differ.