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Home Screen - Icon Delay

Here are some of my favorite ones:

1. No Widgets except on the home screen.
2. No widgets or icons for apps that on the sdcard.
3. Use an app such as Cache Mate occasionally.
4. Delete any and all task killers.
5. Delete any and all virus protectors.
6. Switch to a different launcher. If you are using stock, switch to Launcher Pro, or to ADW, etc. Just switch to a different launcher.
7. Set window transitions to off.
8. Set screen animations to off.

Good luck.

My Droid 1 is running stock 2.2 and I am using Launcher Pro for my home screen. Over the past several months and especially after the upgrade to 2.2, I was having frequent redraws on the icons.

Normally, I use my phone in portrait mode (vertical) and rarely in landscape mode (horizontal). I found that by changing a couple of settings on my Droid and a similar preference in Launcher Pro, the delay caused by redraws became infrequent.

Essentially, I forced my Droid to be in portait (vertical) mode and not be concerned with landscape.

On the Droid,
1. Menu/Settings/Display
Uncheck the box for Auto-Rotate Screen
2. Animation - select No Animations

For Launcher Pro
1. Menu/Preferences/Behaviour Settings
Uncheck the box for Enable Auto-rotation

I find that those applications that use landscape still rotate the screen to landcape as does sliding out the keyboard.

Just me experience; I imagine yours will differ.

I have tried all the above in the last week and it has gotten better, but doing a hard-reset was the ticket for me. The couple of redraws I've had since are 1-2 seconds long not the half minute delay where you think the phone has up and died on you. It's a pain restructuring your home screens, but what the heck.

Auto rotate does seem to be a reoccurring theme, what an odd and persistent problem. I thought this would be solved weeks ago.
I have had this same problem on various custom ROM's and have recently found this solution on the droid hype blog:

Force your launcher to stay in memory Droid Hype

I downloaded a terminal emulator and applied this fix (copied from blog):
Switch user to root by typing su
Output the contents of this file: cat /data/local.prop. If you get an error about file not existing, then proceed to step 3. Otherwise, jump to step 4.
Echo (add) the following line to your local.prop file: echo ro.HOME_APP_ADJ=1 > /data/local.prop. Reboot your phone and you are all set.
If step 2 produced the contents of the file, check to see if you have the ro.HOME_APP_ADJ=1. If not, use a text editor to add it in at the end of the file. Reboot and you are all set.

Seems to have made some difference so far, only just did it last night but I hope this helps in the long run.
My droid has done this icon delay/lag after having the phone for only a few months (got it November 09)... I tried different homescreens (dxtop etc), didnt work. Rooted and installed early Froyo, no help. Now I have Bugless Beast ROM and it still does it. When I switch ROMs the delay goes away for a few days, comes back slowly and gets worse after 2-3 days. Wiping cache seems to help for a day or so, then problem comes back. Any suggestions????
I have had this same problem on various custom ROM's and have recently found this solution on the droid hype blog:

Force your launcher to stay in memory Droid Hype

I downloaded a terminal emulator and applied this fix (copied from blog):
Switch user to root by typing su
Output the contents of this file: cat /data/local.prop. If you get an error about file not existing, then proceed to step 3. Otherwise, jump to step 4.
Echo (add) the following line to your local.prop file: echo ro.HOME_APP_ADJ=1 > /data/local.prop. Reboot your phone and you are all set.
If step 2 produced the contents of the file, check to see if you have the ro.HOME_APP_ADJ=1. If not, use a text editor to add it in at the end of the file. Reboot and you are all set.

Seems to have made some difference so far, only just did it last night but I hope this helps in the long run.

This is the only thing that worked for me too. I applied it about a week ago and NO redraw problems! But you do have to be rooted to do this. Every other solution seemed to work at first, only to have the redraw problem show right back up within a few days. But this patch worked!
THanks, but nothing I have tried worked :(
I added the line into terminal, unchecked autorotate and animation.
didnt help.
ive been having this problem for 9 months :(
Guess I will just have to suck it up, sometimes it takes 10 seconds for my homescreen to appear!
THanks, but nothing I have tried worked :(
I added the line into terminal, unchecked autorotate and animation.
didnt help.
ive been having this problem for 9 months :(
Guess I will just have to suck it up, sometimes it takes 10 seconds for my homescreen to appear!

From an earlier post by you: "When I switch ROMs the delay goes away for a few days, comes back slowly and gets worse after 2-3 days. Wiping cache seems to help for a day or so, then problem comes back. Any suggestions????"

Well, this all seems to point toward apps/widgets that you are using. I would do a hard reset and add only add back only the apps that I use everyday. I would then see how the redraw issue develops. I would continue to add apps back only after I was sure the problem had not returned. You will find the apps/widgets that are causing this issue for you.

Another and simpler solution, assuming you don't want to go through the hassle of the reset, is to simply start each day by using something like Cache Mate to wipe the cache. This is based on your quote; "
Wiping cache seems to help for a day or so, then problem comes back."

Good luck.
So pretty much it seems that for now, the only way to keep the phone running optimally is to dumb it down and perform cleanup on it all the time. I'd say that's a pretty clear sign the device is obsolete and desperately in need of scrapping. My girlfriend hopped on Verizon and got a free D1. For some odd reason it still hasn't received the 2.1 OTA and I was so jealous of how snappy it was.

She was like, "How do I get the update like yours has?"
Me: "You either have to wait for the over the air update or do it manually..."
Her: "Do it manually for me!"
Me: "Yeah......no. You really don't want it..."
Her: "..."

Ah well...less than 9 months and I can just get a more powerful, more efficient device. Sorry Droid, you're like an aging boxer and require a more and more intense regiment just to deliver the same blows.
Otherwise, you have to wait for Google to correct the problem.

I don't believe this is a "Google" issue. This is a Droid 1 issue. I've seen other phones with 2.2 software and they work perfectly without lag. I think this is either a Verizon or Motorola issue.

The added line in Terminal Emulator helped me tremendously. My lag has not returned in the screeen re-draw issue. But the phone in general does lag elsewhere, such as when trying to add an icon. My girlfriend's EVO has no lag at all.
In order to use the Terminal Emulator fix, do I need to have a ROM? I'm running stock OTA 2.2. The problem was bearable when it was a few seconds but now it's like 7 or 8 seconds. Driving me nuts.
In order to use the Terminal Emulator fix, do I need to have a ROM? I'm running stock OTA 2.2. The problem was bearable when it was a few seconds but now it's like 7 or 8 seconds. Driving me nuts.

You need to root your phone. No custom ROM needed.
I have had this same problem on various custom ROM's and have recently found this solution on the droid hype blog:

Force your launcher to stay in memory Droid Hype

I downloaded a terminal emulator and applied this fix (copied from blog):
Switch user to root by typing su
Output the contents of this file: cat /data/local.prop. If you get an error about file not existing, then proceed to step 3. Otherwise, jump to step 4.
Echo (add) the following line to your local.prop file: echo ro.HOME_APP_ADJ=1 > /data/local.prop. Reboot your phone and you are all set.
If step 2 produced the contents of the file, check to see if you have the ro.HOME_APP_ADJ=1. If not, use a text editor to add it in at the end of the file. Reboot and you are all set.

Seems to have made some difference so far, only just did it last night but I hope this helps in the long run.

I just want to say, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. I've put my Droid through the ringer in terms of memory usage (read: ran lots of apps and especially Angry Birds repeatedly) and since I've done the term emu fix, the 8 second launcher redraw lag has not reared it's ugly head. Oh, did I say thank you for sharing this? Thank you.
To solve, if u have lp, go to preferences, then I think general and click keep in memory. Then go to market and download free app called minfreemanager. Open app then set preset to aggressive then apply and set on boot. You should be good then.
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Ok, I just rooted. Do I need to have Launcher Pro in order run the script in Terminal Emulator? Or am I good following the steps without LP?

Thanks all,