How I could see the Essential Ph-1 failing


Regular Member
Rescue Squad
Dec 23, 2009
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As I sat back cheering what seems to be the changing of the guard I could not help to think about 7 years ago when this same forum and others like it were swept up in the excitement around this new OS. This OS (android), though suffering some growing pains, had so much potential and despite the challenges out there from Palm OS to Windows it remain the winner. And most of that had to do with the excitement surrounding the OS and the love from the community. Even when WebOS made headway it found itself also swept up by the excitement of Android (their hot tablet really caught fire when it ran android).

So here we are with Andy Rubin about to do it again and I can not help to ask are we ready to go back?

Let's not act like there were no other devices in said category that opened the device to the community to innovate on, especially on the software side. One Plus I would say, especially at its price point, is that device. Yet despite it making waves it is not eclipsing the Nexus/Pixel.

And why is that?

I think it is simple and it hit me when I started running Lineage OS on my Nexus 5. We do not want to go back to relying on a phone that is only supported by ROMs. Having experienced the bugs in Lineage where I had to reboot my phone to use my camera (on several occasions) I was reminded why I left ROMs in the first place. Because I grew tired of key apps failing at the time I needed it to work.

So here we are a few days from the announcement of the Essential and I am thinking that the house that Andy built is both Android and in the open source variety. But the reality is android has gotten much better since he left. Not saying he did not play a part in building the solid framework on which Android stands now, but though he deserves all the credit for that we can not overlook how far android has evolved now. And I think Andy understands that, but the question has to be how do he plan on having Essential Ph-1 customers get support and swift updates, is it going to be through Google or the community?

If it is through Google and this phone fills the roll of that Google Play edition device then it will succeed. Google Play devices were right on the heels of updates from nexus phones, and in some case getting them before. So if Andy can assure that then he has a potential winner.

But if Andy is going to take the easy way out and allow the development community supply the software then it will be hard to take this device seriously as a daily driver. Then this device go from need to toy, and the problem with toys is that they tend to fall down the buying list.

So what do you think, will Andy actually follow in the steps of making this a Google Play (like) device or a Community Developer device?
I believe the phone will be support for quick updates through Google ...he's looking to keep it close to Google as possible ...clean and smooth experience for consumers ..we shall see on the root /community part but hope it's available for those who wish ...OnePlus has improved dramatically for the root community but the challenge Andy has is the same ...are carriers going to have phones available? If no it's a tough challenge ahead bc most people just prefer to go to their local store sign up payment plans and walk out with the phone ...

I think it will also get their updates sooner than the carrier phones. It would be stupid if Rubin didn't make sure that happened. It would be one of the advantages, alongside it being open source.

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I think he's going to have an extremely hard time getting this new phone to gain any traction. The competition is nothing like it was 7 years ago. It's almost a 3-4 horse race right now and most of the little guys & newcomers are getting squeezed out.
I think he's going to have an extremely hard time getting this new phone to gain any traction. The competition is nothing like it was 7 years ago. It's almost a 3-4 horse race right now and most of the little guys & newcomers are getting squeezed out.

Especially now we got a look at the photos that the camera puts out, ouch.

I have to think DeMasi got a talking to.


It still looks to be a 2 horse race. Now Google did get some buzz with the Pixel last year but they have to do more than just be in the conversation, if Google is even trying to push to break up the 2 horse race. I at times feel like Google is OK with being in the conversation so as not to upset Samsung.
I did see that pic posted was very disappointing but let’s see when we get some hands on with others with that phone ...

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A release date would be nice. And I still consider LG strongly in the race. I think the G6 is doing well.