How long does it take to get the Incredible?

It's a bit crazy that VZW doesn't have these in stock, did they not not anticipate the buzz that was created re: this device or is it a marketing ploy to make people nuts about getting one? HAHA. I feel for you peeps who are waiting, but it will be worth it.
Ordered it on a tuesday night and got it two days later. With all the publicity now, I'm sure it's taking longer.
Got mine ordered from a VZW corp. Store on this Thursday night 5/21... guy said when ordered from store usually been taking 5 days for his customers to get them. He said he has had people that ordered over the phone say it took as much as 2 weeks. So I guess its just luck of the draw. Hopefully I get mine soon but am not in a real rush still have my Droid
The reason why everybody has to wait is because there is actually a shortage of the parts that are used to build the incredible. I'm glad I got mine on launch day. :)
I just called back in to get an update at my local VZW store. I ordered mine on the 14th. Right now he is showing around 6/3 as a ship date. Last I had heard was around the 29th. The 6/3 date he said was worst case. It could be sooner....patiently waiting.....yeah right.....

I just called to verify my order is in the process. He found it and said it should still be by the end of May. He also said if it was ordered now, they would quote June 14.
I ordered a second one for my wife on the 9th... at that time they said no later then the 24th.... and most likely in a week or so...

I just called today for an update and they said no later then Saturday the 29th...

I'm not holding my breath.
Ordered one on the 16th for my sister. I was quoted a ship date of June 4th. I checked back in with the store on Monday, they said that the ship date was guaranteed by June 4, but he also said he wouldn't be surprised if it shipped before then.
I ordered mine on May 10th, just received the shipping e-mail today, or yesterday depending on your TZ (May 25th). Estimated delivery date is Thursday, May 27th.
I wonder what date that started happening. I ordered mine off the website on the 10th, and it shipped on the 25th, I've tracked it through 3 states already.
May 12 order date, still waiting

My wife and I ordered ours on May 12 (Illinois) and were told by the phone operator that they had Incredibles in stock and it would be there by Monday. When we called the next day for the tracking number, we heard the real story (which all of you know) and that it was guaranteed to ship by this coming Friday. Unfortunately, due to Memorial Day weekend, that means June 1. We haven't received our shipping emails yet, but the post above (ordered on May 10) and that they received their email on the 25th is encouraging. If is were to ship just a little sooner...
I was told in the store and just now online when I placed my order that June 17th is the new ship date. I'm coming from the moto droid over to the incredible so I'm anxious!!!! I live in Pa btw.