How long does it take to get the Incredible?

Good news! Bad news!

I got an shipping email today!

Even with 2 day shipping, the estimated arrival is Tues, June 1. 5 days from now! I thought Fed Ex delivered on Saturdays?
Shipping email, too

We ordered on May 12 and got the shipping notification for the two Incredibles this morning. The same thing happened to us: June 1 estimated delivery date. Fedex suggested (unofficially of course) that you could probably pick them up at the station if they arrive on time. I guess we'll keep watching the tracking data.
Sitting in Memphis

Using the Fedex website, the tracking information puts the packages in Memphis (now more than 24 hours of just sitting). Maybe they hold it for a day so that it turns into 2 day instead of 1 day shipping.

I went on May 22nd, Saturday, to a Verizon store to order my phone since I heard it was delivered faster if done in person rather than online. The rep said I was indeed correct and I would receive it no later than June 10th, but most likely before that date. In a preemptive move I called the following Monday to the national number for Verizon and asked if my shipping number was available, knowing full well it wasn't. She said no, it was not set to ship until June 1st and I would receive my tracking number accordingly. I accepted the answer because it would follow the time line alongside the store rep.

I just called Verizon again, wondering if by chance it was available to track since I read the above posts. In response to my inquiry the gentleman said, "Your phone is set to ship June 11th."
"What? I was told it would ship June 1st by the previous rep I spoke to on Monday."
"I'm sorry, but she told you the wrong date. She really dropped the ball and I apologize for that."

I know this is just a phone, but I am still disappointed. At moments I feel like another phone will come out (shadow/droid 2) before I get this damn thing and waste my new every two on it. But I digress. Being like a 7 year old child on Christmas eve is not anyone's problem, however, I don't like bad information regardless.

To everyone who's waiting...I feel your pain.
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Just got my phone on the 27th and ordered on the 12th from ordering in store. It seems like if you order from BestBuy you get the phone much quicker. From what the rep said from bestbuy, bestbuy orders them in a different way than verizon which allows bestbuy to receive them quicker.
More bad news!

Tracking shows my package as in the Chicago facility. SO I call FedEx and ask for "hold for pickup", so I can get it today. The lady tells me Verizon does not allow this? She said it must have one delivery attempt first, then can be changed to hold for pickup. I asked why, and she said I would have to ask Verizon.
I bet I could call 10 different Verizon numbers and never get a straight answer.
This is Incredible.
Well, from what I am reading, I should receive mine next week, I hope. I ordered online 5/17 with the website saying "before June 7". I'm getting excited....
My son ordered at VZW store in Philly. They said two weeks for delivery, and it arrived on schedule last week.
I ordered another one for my wife on May 9th, it showed up finally on May 28th.
I for one am in the same boat, the wife and I were up for upgrade and I did want the incredible, found out that we could do the buy one get one deal with the MOTO Droid and the Incredible. We did it on the 18th and was told by the 8th for my phone, I am still twiddlin my thumbs and so wanting my new phone. I hate my blackberry pearl like no other now and want that new phone.......

So chalk one more up for waiting!
Yeah, that is the worst! I went in to get a phone, the Wife walks out with a Droid and 3 weeks later I'm still waiting!
I order my Incredible on May 1, because that was my day to get my annual upgrade. That was a Sat. On Tuesday afternoon it was in my hands and It awesome =) But seriously, I am totally surprised I got it so soon. SHOCKED actually. I went in to my VZW store and they were out them of course, and no covers. They didn't even have batteries, still waiting on that one.Good luck to all of you who are waiting. And this is my very first Droid, and my very first post on this forum =)
I ordered mine on May 21st. So I guess that puts me in the mid June range for getting it. I ordered online after experiencing drama in the local store (would not let me use my new every two although the website clearly states that I am eligible).

At the rate things are going I may just wait for the Shadow - which is rumored to come out in June/July time frame.
I orig ordered mine on May 27th and was told backordered June 17th as my previous post. I happened to be in Best Buy and they had them in stock. I called Verizon and was told since phone had never been activated I could buy it there and just return the one that would be shipped to me. I'm now the proud owner of an Incredible!!! :icon_ banana: