How long does it take to get the Incredible?

I ordered mine on May 21st. So I guess that puts me in the mid June range for getting it. I ordered online after experiencing drama in the local store (would not let me use my new every two although the website clearly states that I am eligible).

At the rate things are going I may just wait for the Shadow - which is rumored to come out in June/July time frame.

Ordered mine same day from a corp. store... called yesterday to find out status and manager said I would have it in my hands no later than the 11th of June. Hope he is right. Just a couple more weeks at most!!

It's ok I've got my rooted Droid to hold me over till then especially with all these new ROMS coming out for it
This doesn't really answer your question, but when I went to Verizon to pick of the Moto Droid they had just gotten the Incredible in and poof... now I have the Incredible. Kinda of a lame story, but I like to tell it.

You sound like me, I walk in knowing what I want , and walk out with something better.
I ordered mine on May 26th so I have a long wait ahead and it's pissing me off.
I am one of the most impatient people ever, I ordered my Incredible May 22nd, and with my current env2, the front panel doesn't work and my inside screen flashes ever second, makes waiting that much more difficult. I am nontheless getting my sd card ready with music and backgrounds.
I got my Incredible today!
Since I started this thread, I guess I have my answer: 19 days!
19 days of torture!!!!
My wait is going to be a lot longer it says on the VW site will be shipped by 6/22.
19 days of torture!!!!
My wait is going to be a lot longer it says on the VW site will be shipped by 6/22.

When I purchased my Incredible, the photo said the 22nd, but the text in the description said the 11th. I Don't know when to be expecting it
I think that happened to me too except mine said 6/16, craziness.
I just signed for the box! I ordered on the 15th, and it was supposed to ship by the 4th, so it came a few days early. Unfortunately the phone is for my sister, so I can't play with it or even open it till she gets home on Friday.
Wow that's a long time....congrats to your sister though.
I ordered mine on the 18th and I still have not received shipping notification...I'm guessing it will be sometime next week...I'm in East TN btw
Ordered mine on line (to get the $50.00 discount) on May 19. VZW says they will ship on June 9.